Page f65v

[f65r]  [index]  [f66r]


  Title: ???
  Page: f65v = HF (Rene) = p116 (Stolfi)
  Folio: f65
  Panels: f65v
  Bifolio: bH2 = f58+f65
  Quire: H (Rene) = VIII (Beinecke)

  Appears as Plate II in Newbold facing p44.
  Transcribed 7 Dec 91 by Gillogly, 9 dec 91 by Reeds, 13 Dec 91 Gillogly.


  Language: ? (Currier), A (Stolfi guess)
  Hand: ? (Currier)
  Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
  Subject: herbal
  Colors: blue,green (Reeds)
  Plant: 115 (Petersen)


  One plant with many roots, branches and flowers, stretching to all
  four edges of the page.

  A little below mid-page there are two paragraphs, with 3.7 and 3.9 lines,
  interrupted by the plant's stem.

  Rene reports [04 Apr 1999] that the folio is thinner than average.



[f65r]  [index]  [f66r]