Page f5r

[f4v]  [index]  [f5v]


  Title: ???
  Page: f5r = AI (Rene) = p009 (Stolfi)
  Folio: f5
  Panels: f5r
  Bifolio: bA4 = f4+f5
  Quire: A (Rene) = I (Beinecke)


  Language: A (Currier)
  Hand: 1 (Currier)
  Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
  Subject: herbal
  Colors: green,b (Reeds), different_greens (Rene)
  Plant: 8 (Petersen)


  One plant, horizontally centered, reaching only 3/4 up the page.

    Root: five unbranched roots, mostly horizontal.  Each root looks
      like an earthworm, light-colored with a few dark dots, with a 
      short and fat swelling about 4/5 of the way to the tip.
    Stalk: straight, vertical, slightly tapered, uncolored(?).
    Leaves: a single ring of large, lance shaped leaves, closely spaced, 
      attached mid-stem with no stalks. The leaves curl down in a semicircle,
      like an umbrella, until they almost touch the stem again; their thin
      tips curl further into hooks. Dark overpaint.
    Flowers: one, at tip of stem, pointing up. 
      Stalk: medium, thin, uncolored(?); extension of stem.  Chalix:
      thimble-shaped, partial dark overpaint.  Petals: long, hair like,
      drooping.  Core: hemispherical, like a bubble.

  Two paragraphs (unit P) with 3.6 and 2.5 lines, both above the plant,
  left- and right-justified.


  The plant looks very strange but not impossible.  The oddest
  details are the position of the tubers, the shape and disposition of
  the leaves, their curled tips, the "shaggy" flower.


[f4v]  [index]  [f5v]