Page f17r

[f16v]  [index]  [f17v]


  Title: "Roots with eyes"
  Page: f17r = CA (Rene) = p031 (Stolfi)
  Folio: f17
  Panels: f17r
  Bifolio: bC1 = f17+f24
  Quire: C (Rene) = III (Beinecke)

  First page of quire.

  Color reproduction in Frank Smythe's book [1].


  Language: A (Currier)
  Hand: 1 (Currier)
  Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
  Subject: herbal
  Colors: b,green (Reeds)


  One plant, flush against the right margin,
  spanning from the bottom edge to a little below the top

  Three paragraphs (unit P) with 2.6, 2.5, 5.5 lines, at the top
  of the page, left- and right-justified except for the last
  paragraph (which follows the plant's outline on the right),
  extending down to mid-page. Paragraph 3 may actually be two
  paragraphs (with 2.9 and 2.5 lines).

  There is one extra line of text above the top margin (unit H),
  apparently not in the same hand as the rest of the page. Rene
  reports [04 Apr 1999] that the extra line is in brown, too.

  The folio number '17' is darker than the text, which is lighter
  than usual.


  The extra line of text at the top of the page looks similar to the
  hand of f116v (especially the characters shaped like "l"s). The
  letters are probably Latin, or possibly Greek; the EVA-"y" with macron
  would then be an abbreviation.

  The eyes in the roots seem to be the result of "enhancing" two
  eye-like gaps in the roots.


  [1] Smythe, Frank. "A Script Full of Secrets" and "The Uncrackable
  Code" in "Mysteries of Mind, Space & Time: The Unexplained", pp.
  3062-3069. H. S. Stuttman, Inc., Westport, Connecticut, USA.
  Copyright 1992 by Orbis Publishing, Inc. [Originally published in
  "The Unexplained" in the UK.]
[f16v]  [index]  [f17v]