Page f102v2

[f102r2]  [index]  [f102v1]


  Title: ???
  Page: f102v2 = SK (Rene) = p209 (Stolfi)
  Folio: f102
  Panels: f102v3, f102v2
  Bifolio: bS1 = f99+f102
  Quire: S (Rene) = XVII (Beinecke)

  This page spans the two outermost verso panels (f102v3, f102v2) of 
  a six-panel fold-out. Panel f102v3 is half-width.


  Language: A (Currier)
  Hand: ? (Currier)
  Subsets: P (Rene), pha (Stolfi)
  Subject: pharmaceutical
  Colors: ??? (Reeds), blue(containers)


  Two blocks of text and three rows of plants: 

     [1,1]..[1,7] top of page; leaves, "cube root"
     [2,1]..[2,7] just below first row: more leaves.
     [3,1]..[3,5] between the two text blocks: roots with leaves.


   Plant 4 of the last row has "same" label as 
   first plant on top row of f89v1.  The root is similar,
   the leaves only vaguely so.


[f102r2]  [index]  [f102v1]