Page f102r1

[f101v2]  [index]  [f102r2]


  Title: ???
  Page: f102r1 = SI (Rene) = p207 (Stolfi)
  Folio: f102
  Panels: f102r1
  Bifolio: bS1 = f99+f102
  Quire: S (Rene) = XVII (Beinecke)

  This page is the innermost recto panel of a six-panel fold-out.


  Language: A (Currier)
  Hand: ? (Currier)
  Subsets: P (Rene), pha (Stolfi)
  Subject: pharmaceutical
  Colors: red,green,blue,tan (Reeds), brick(container_1),brick+green(container_2),blue(root[3.2]) (Rene)


  Three paragraphs of text with three rows of plants: 

    [1,1] above the text;
    [2,1] beween paragraphs 1 and 2;
    [3,1]..[3,2] below the text.

  Plant [1,1] is labeled.

  There are also three containers (unlabeled?) crammed into the left
  margin; they look as if they were added as an afterthought.

  "Fair copies" of some of these drawings are found elsewhere:

    f102r1[3,1] = f37v (herbal).
    f102r1[3,2] = f1v (herbal).

  However Rene reports [04 Apr 1999,07 Apr 1999] that the root
  of f1v is faded yellow, whereas that of f102r2 is blue.



[f101v2]  [index]  [f102r2]