Note 030

Hacking at the Voynich manuscript - Side notes
030 Combining the p-m-s and OKOKOKO paradigms

Last edited on 1998-09-21 01:50:21 by stolfi

This note attempts to rederive the p-m-s paradigm
in light of the OKOKOKO decompostion.

First, let's get the word lists for each section:

  set sections = ( `cat ../023/text-sections/all.names` )
  set seccom = `echo ${sections} | tr ' ' ','`
  mkdir data
  foreach sec ( $sections )
    echo "${sec}"
    mkdir data/${sec}
    cat ../023/text-sections/${sec}.evt \
      | words-from-evt \
      | tr '*' '?' \
      > data/${sec}/words.wds

  mkdir data/all
  cat data/{${seccom}}/words.wds > data/all/words.wds

  mkdir data/ren
  cat Rene-words.frq \
    | gawk '/./{n=$1;for(i=0;i<n;i++){print $2;}}' \
    > data/ren/words.wds

  dicio-wc data/{${seccom},ren,all}/words.wds

    lines   words     bytes file        
  ------- ------- --------- ------------
     2210    2210     13427 data/unk/words.wds
     2211    2210     13467 data/pha/words.wds
    10358   10356     66804 data/str/words.wds
     7584    7584     44680 data/hea/words.wds
     3338    3336     20045 data/heb/words.wds
     6539    6539     37738 data/bio/words.wds
      324     324      2089 data/ast/words.wds
      389     387      2264 data/cos/words.wds
      169     169      1018 data/zod/words.wds
    28939   28939    172850 data/ren/words.wds
    33122   33115    201532 data/all/words.wds

Factor them into elements and separate the unreadable words 
and parsing bugs:

  foreach sec ( $sections ren all )
    echo ${sec}
    cat data/${sec}/words.wds \
      | factor-OK \
      > data/${sec}/words.fac
    cat data/${sec}/words.fac \
      | egrep -e '^{[{}a-z?]*}$' \
      > data/${sec}/words-gut.fac
    cat data/${sec}/words.fac \
      | egrep -v -e '^{[{}a-z?]*}$' \
      > data/${sec}/words-bad.fac
    egrep -e '^[^{]' data/${sec}/words-gut.fac | head -5
    egrep -e '[^}]$' data/${sec}/words-gut.fac | head -5
    egrep -e '[}][^{]' data/${sec}/words-gut.fac | head -5
    egrep -e '[^}][{]' data/${sec}/words-gut.fac | head -5
  dicio-wc data/{${seccom},ren,all}/words-{gut,bad}.fac 
    lines   words     bytes file        
  ------- ------- --------- ------------
     2190    2190     30362 data/unk/words-gut.fac
       20      20       279 data/unk/words-bad.fac

     2112    2112     28599 data/pha/words-gut.fac
       99      98      1439 data/pha/words-bad.fac

    10311   10311    149736 data/str/words-gut.fac
       47      45       678 data/str/words-bad.fac

     7532    7532     98697 data/hea/words-gut.fac
       52      52       721 data/hea/words-bad.fac

     3318    3318     45009 data/heb/words-gut.fac
       20      18       270 data/heb/words-bad.fac

     6530    6530     85290 data/bio/words-gut.fac
        9       9       114 data/bio/words-bad.fac

      312     312      4495 data/ast/words-gut.fac
       12      12       201 data/ast/words-bad.fac

      376     376      4954 data/cos/words-gut.fac
       13      11       174 data/cos/words-bad.fac

      162     162      2240 data/zod/words-gut.fac
        7       7       104 data/zod/words-bad.fac

    28939   28939    389191 data/ren/words-gut.fac
        0       0         0 data/ren/words-bad.fac

    32843   32843    449382 data/all/words-gut.fac
      279     272      3980 data/all/words-bad.fac

Count the elements:

  foreach sec ( $sections ren all )
    echo "${sec}"
    cat data/${sec}/words-gut.fac \
      | tr '{}' '\012\012' \
      | egrep '.' \
      | sort | uniq -c | expand \
      | sort -b +0 -1nr \
      > data/${sec}/elem.cts

  multicol \
    -v titles="all ren $sections" \
    data/{all,ren,$seccom}/elem.cts \
    > elem.multi
  compare-counts \
    -titles "all ren $sections element" \
    -remFreqs \
    -sort 1 \
    data/{all,ren,$seccom}/elem.cts \
    > elem.cmp

  all  ren  unk  pha  str  hea  heb  bio  ast  cos  zod  element
  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  -------
  834  826  846  773  848  800  864  847  828  852  798  o
  712  699  728  676  736  689  719  700  700  725  711  y
  615  602  600  600  622  611  609  622  608  603  572  a
  524  510  512  524  536  532  488  516  523  527  516  d
  452  440  437  435  467  470  437  424  482  435  431  l
  394  380  382  389  402  425  373  362  436  388  394  k
  346  336  336  349  363  333  327  342  379  343  356  ch
  300  291  276  298  319  280  278  308  326  297  296  r
  259  248  246  262  274  253  251  242  311  271  294  q
  225  215  209  228  235  215  217  226  286  234  269  iin
  192  181  168  215  201  171  186  200  253  183  193  t
  161  151  145  184  163  154  155  165  223  159  177  che
  131  119  128  149  119  142  134  131  171  135  123  ee
  113  104  105  136  107  112  119  117  159  106  110  sh
   97   89   92  113   96   89  104  102  123   89   95  s
   82   74   77  101   82   83   90   74  110   74   80  she
   70   61   69   77   71   78   73   58   90   65   72  ke
   60   54   56   71   58   70   62   51   81   57   63  p
   51   41   53   67   47   63   56   33   78   54   55  in
   44   35   43   63   40   54   47   30   72   42   49  m
   37   28   36   57   33   51   37   22   60   34   20  te
   31   23   31   53   31   35   34   18   56   29   19  cth
   26   18   28   44   27   29   27   12   51   26   19  ckh
   22   14   21   41   20   27   23   11   43   21   19  ir
   19   12   19   39   16   25   21   10   39   18   12  eee
   17   11   15   36   14   23   15    9   38   18   12  f
   15   10   13   34   12   20   14    9   31   17    9  oa
   13    9   11   30   10   18   11    7   21   11    6  e?
   11    7   10   23    9   17   10    5   20   10    6  ckhe
   10    6    9   20    8   14    8    5   16    8    4  cthe
    8    5    7   19    7   12    7    4   14    8    4  cph
    7    5    6   16    7   10    6    4   11    7    4  oy
    6    4    6   16    6    7    6    4   11    7    4  n
    6    3    5   15    5    6    5    4    8    6    3  iir
    5    2    5   14    5    5    4    3    8    6    3  iiin
    4    2    5   13    4    5    4    2    6    6    3  i?
    4    2    3   12    3    4    3    2    6    6    3  cphe
    3    2    3   10    3    4    3    2    6    5    3  oo
    3    1    1   10    3    3    2    2    6    5    3  cfh
    3    1    1   10    2    3    2    2    5    5    3  im
    2    1    1    9    2    2    1    2    5    3    3  yo
    2    1    1    8    1    2    1    2    5    3    3  de
    2    1    1    5    1    2    1    2    4    3    3  iiir
    1    1    1    5    1    2    1    1    3    3    3  il
    1    1    1    2    1    2    1    1    0    3    3  j
    1    1    0    2    1    2    0    1    0    3    3  x
    1    1    0    2    0    2    0    1    0    3    3  is
    1    1    0    2    0    2    0    1    0    2    3  ya
    1    1    0    1    0    1    0    1    0    2    3  cfhe
    1    1    0    1    0    1    0    1    0    1    .  ay
    0    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    0    1    .  ao
    0    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    0    1    .  iim
    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    1    0    1    .  g
    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    1    0    1    .  ck
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    1    .  iil
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    1    .  ct
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    1    0    1    .  id
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    1    0    1    .  iid
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  cthh
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  b
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  cphh
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  ikh
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  aa
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  c?
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  iis
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  yoa
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  iiil
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  ikhe
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  aoy
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  cf
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  chh
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  cp
    0    0    0    0    0    0    .    0    0    1    .  h?
    0    0    0    0    .    0    .    0    0    1    .  iiid
    0    0    0    0    .    0    .    0    0    0    .  ij
    0    0    0    0    .    0    .    0    0    0    .  iph
    0    0    0    0    .    0    .    0    0    0    .  ith
    0    0    0    0    .    0    .    0    0    0    .  ithe
    0    0    0    0    .    0    .    .    0    0    .  ithh
    0    0    0    0    .    0    .    .    0    0    .  oao
    0    0    0    0    .    0    .    .    0    0    .  ooa
    0    0    0    0    .    0    .    .    .    0    .  ooooooooo
    0    0    0    0    .    0    .    .    .    0    .  oya
    0    0    0    .    .    0    .    .    .    0    .  pe
    0    0    0    .    .    .    .    .    .    0    .  u
    0    0    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    0    .  yay
    .    0    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .  yy
    .    0    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .  cfhh
    .    0    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .  ckhh
    .    0    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .  kh
    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .  v

Check whether our list of elements is complete:

  cat data/{all,ren}/elem.cts | gawk '/./{print $2}' | sort | uniq > .bar

  cat elem.dic | sort > .foo
  bool 1-2 .bar .foo

  cat elem-to-class.tbl | gawk '/./{print $1}' | sort > .baz
  bool 1-2 .baz .foo

Now let's enumerate all pairs of non-empty elements,
consecutive and non-consecutive, in each word:

  foreach ptpn ( sep.0 con.1 )
    set ptp = "${ptpn:r}"; set pfl = "${ptpn:e}"
    foreach sec ( $sections ren all )
      echo "Enumerating ${ptp} element pairs for ${sec}..."
      cat data/${sec}/words-gut.fac \
        | nice enum-elem-pairs -v consecutive=${pfl} \
        | tr -d '{}' \
        | sort | uniq -c | expand \
        | gawk '/./{printf "%7d %s:%s\n", $1,$2,$3;}' \
        | sort +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
      > data/${sec}/elem-${ptp}-pair.cts
    multicol \
      -v titles="all ren ${sections}" \
      data/{all,ren,$seccom}/elem-${ptp}-pair.cts \
      > elem-${ptp}-pair.multi
    compare-counts \
      -titles "all ren $sections pair" \
      -freqs \
      -sort 1 \
      data/{all,ren,$seccom}/elem-${ptp}-pair.cts \
      > elem-${ptp}-pair.cmp
Tabulate element pairs, collapsing elements into classes

  foreach ptp ( sep con )
    foreach sec ( ${sections} ren all )
      echo "=== ${ptp} pairs for ${sec} ========================"
      cat data/${sec}/elem-${ptp}-pair.cts \
        | tr ':' ' ' \
        | map-fields \
            -v table=elem-to-class.tbl \
            -v fields="2,3" \
        | gawk '/./{printf "%7d %s:%s\n", $1,$2,$3;}' \
        | combine-counts | sort -b +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
        > data/${sec}/class-${ptp}-pair.cts
      foreach ttpn ( freqs.3 counts.5 )
        set ttp = "${ttpn:r}"; set dig = "${ttpn:e}"
        cat data/${sec}/class-${ptp}-pair.cts \
          | tr ':' ' ' | gawk '/./{print $1,"*",$2,$3;}' \
          | tabulate-triple-counts \
              -v rows=elem-classes.dic \
              -v cols=elem-classes.dic \
              -v ${ttp}=1 -v digits=${dig} \
          > data/${sec}/class-${ptp}-pair.${ttp}
Here is a typical "sep" table, for the "bio" section:

    Pairs with key = *

    Pair probabilities (×999):
    --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -----
                                              E     T
                                              T     O
          Q   O   S   D   X   H   N   I   W   C     T
    --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -----
    Q     .  79  13  14  11  36   .   7   .   .   164
    O     .  76  84  27  25  61   2  36   1   .   317
    S     .  35  11  11  14   8   .   3   .   .    86
    D     .  68   9   2   2   .   .   4   .   .    88
    X     .  83  12  42   8  12   .   .   .   .   161
    H     .  86  20  29  24   .   .  14   .   .   177
    N     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     0
    I     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     0
    W     .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     3
    ETC   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     0
    --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -----
    TOT   . 432 151 128  88 121   5  67   4   .   999

Note that the classes H and X are rarely preceded by D
but often followed by it.  I suppose most of these 
cases are final "dy"s.

Now let's extract all subsequences of three non-empty
elements from each word:

  foreach ptpn ( sep.0 )
    set ptp = "${ptpn:r}"; set pfl = "${ptpn:e}"
    foreach sec ( $sections ren all )
      echo "Enumerating ${ptp} element triples for ${sec}..."
      cat data/${sec}/words-gut.fac \
        | nice enum-elem-triples -v consecutive=${pfl} \
        | tr -d '{}' \
        | sort | uniq -c | expand \
        | gawk '/./{printf "%7d %s:%s:%s\n", $1,$2,$3,$4;}' \
        | sort +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
      > data/${sec}/elem-${ptp}-triple.cts
    multicol -v titles="all ren ${sections}" data/{all,ren,$seccom}/elem-${ptp}-triple.cts \
      > elem-${ptp}-triple.multi
    compare-counts \
      -titles "all ren $sections triple" \
      -freqs \
      -sort 1 \
      data/{all,ren,$seccom}/elem-${ptp}-triple.cts \
      > elem-${ptp}-triple.cmp

Tabulate triples sliced by middle element, first collapsing similar letters:

  foreach ptp ( sep )
    foreach sec ( ${sections} ren all )
      echo "=== ${ptp} triples for ${sec} ========================"
      cat data/${sec}/elem-${ptp}-triple.cts \
        | tr ':' ' ' \
        | map-fields \
            -v table=elem-to-class.tbl \
            -v fields="2,3,4" \
        | gawk '/./{printf "%7d %s:%s:%s\n", $1, $2,$3,$4;}' \
        | combine-counts | sort -b +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
        > data/${sec}/class-${ptp}-triple.cts
      foreach ttpn ( freqs.3 counts.5 )
        set ttp = "${ttpn:r}"; set dig = "${ttpn:e}"
        cat data/${sec}/class-${ptp}-triple.cts \
          | tr ':' ' ' | gawk '/./{print $1,$3,$2,$4;}' \
          | sort -b +1 -2 +0 -1nr \
          | tabulate-triple-counts \
              -v rows=elem-classes.dic \
              -v cols=elem-classes.dic \
              -v ${ttp}=1 -v digits=${dig} \
          > data/${sec}/class-${ptp}-triple.${ttp}

It seems that, if we ignore the O's and Q's, most words have a "midfix"
consisting of D, X, and H elements, with a prefix 
of S letters, and a suffix of S and D elements.

Let's add to the factored word tables a second column with the 
element classes:

  foreach sec ( ${sections} ren all )
    echo "$sec"
    cat data/${sec}/words-gut.fac \
      | gawk \
          ' /./{ \
              s = $1; \
              gsub(/[{}]/, " ", s); gsub(/   */, " ", s); \
              gsub(/^  */, "", s); gsub(/  *$/, "", s); \
              printf "%s %s\n", $0, s; \
            } '  \
      | map-fields \
          -v table=elem-to-class.tbl \
          -v forgiving=1 \
      | gawk '/./{ \
            e=$1; $1=""; c=$0; \
            gsub(/^ */,":",c); gsub(/ *$/,":",c); \
            gsub(/  */, ":", c); \
            printf "%s %s\n", c,e; \
          } ' \
      | sort | uniq -c | expand \
      | sort -b +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
      > data/${sec}/class-wds.cts

Looking at Rene's words, it looks like most words have at most one H,
and all X's are consecutive and adjacent to it (except for the intrusion
of "O"s in some languages). 

Let's tabulate the patterns of H and X elements,
after removing the O elements, and any prefix or suffix
consisting of elements oter than H and X::

  foreach sec ( ${sections} ren all )
    echo "$sec"
    cat data/${sec}/class-wds.cts \
      | gawk '/./{print $1,$2}' \
      | sed \
          -e 's/[O]://g' \
          -e 's/ :[A-GI-WY-Z:]*/ :/' \
          -e 's/:[A-GI-WY-Z:]*$/:/' \
      | combine-counts | sort -b +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
      > data/${sec}/class-midf.cts 
  multicol \
    -v titles="all ren ${sections}" \
    data/{all,ren,${seccom}}/class-midf.cts \
    > class-midf.multi

  compare-counts \
    -titles "all ren $sections midfix" \
    -remFreqs \
    -sort 1 \
    data/{all,ren,$seccom}/class-midf.cts \
    > class-midf.cmp

Now let's tabulate the prefix, suffix, and unifix patterns,
omitting the Q's and O's:

  foreach sec ( ${sections} ren all )
    echo "$sec"
    cat data/${sec}/class-wds.cts \
      | gawk '/./{print $1,$2}' \
      | egrep -v -e '[HX]:' \
      | sed \
          -e 's/[O]://g' \
          -e 's/ :[Q:]*/ :/' \
      | combine-counts | sort -b +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
      > data/${sec}/class-unif.cts 
  foreach sec ( ${sections} ren all )
    echo "$sec"
    cat data/${sec}/class-wds.cts \
      | gawk '/./{print $1,$2}' \
      | egrep -e '[HX]:' \
      | sed \
          -e 's/[O]://g' \
          -e 's/ :[Q:]*/ :/' \
          -e 's/[HX]:.*//' \
      | combine-counts | sort -b +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
      > data/${sec}/class-pref.cts 
  foreach sec ( ${sections} ren all )
    echo "$sec"
    cat data/${sec}/class-wds.cts \
      | gawk '/./{print $1,$2}' \
      | egrep -e '[HX]:' \
      | sed \
          -e 's/[O]://g' \
          -e 's/ :[Q:]*/ :/' \
          -e 's/ :.*[HX]:/ :/' \
      | combine-counts | sort -b +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
      > data/${sec}/class-suff.cts 
  foreach sec ( ${sections} ren all )
    echo "$sec"
    cat data/${sec}/class-wds.cts \
      | gawk '/./{print $1,$2}' \
      | egrep -e '[HX]:' \
      | sed \
          -e 's/[O]://g' \
          -e 's/:[A-PR-Z:]*$/:/' \
      | combine-counts | sort -b +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
      > data/${sec}/class-qhaf.cts 
  foreach sec ( ${sections} ren all )
    echo "$sec"
    cat data/${sec}/class-wds.cts \
      | gawk '/./{print $1,$2}' \
      | egrep -v -e '[HX]:' \
      | sed \
          -e 's/[O]://g' \
          -e 's/:[A-PR-Z:]*$/:/' \
      | combine-counts | sort -b +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
      > data/${sec}/class-qsof.cts 
Let's make comparative tables:

  foreach fix ( midf unif pref suff qhaf qsof )
    multicol \
      -v titles="all ren ${sections}" \
      data/{all,ren,${seccom}}/class-${fix}.cts \
      > class-${fix}.multi
    compare-counts \
      -titles "all ren ${sections} ${fix}ix-pattern" \
      -freqs \
      -sort 1 \
      data/{all,ren,${seccom}}/class-${fix}.cts \
      > class-${fix}.cmp


To a first approximation, the Voynichese words can be decomposed into
the following "elements":

  Q = { q }
  O = { a o y }  ("circles")
  H = { t te cth cthe   k ke ckh ckhe   
        p pe cph cphe   f fe cfh cfhe } ("gallows")
  X = { ch che  sh she  ee eee }  ("tables") 
  R = { d l r s }   ("dealers")
  F = { n m g j  in iin ir iir }   ("finals") 
  W = { e i cthh ith kh ct iiim iir is ETC. }   ("weirdos")
The "p" and "f" elements are almost certainly calligraphic variants
of the corresponding "t" and "k" elements.

There are two classes of words: the "hard" ones, that contain Hs
and/or Xs, and the 'soft" ones that don't.

Let's ignore the O's for the moment.  The "hard" words have the form

  Q^a R^b X^c H^d X^e R^f F^g

  a    = 0 (86%) or 1 (14%)
  b    = 0 (90%) or 1 ( 9%)
  d    = 0 (49%) or 1 (49%)
  c+e  = 0 (52%) or 1 (43%) or 2 (4%)
  f    = 0 (42%) or 1 (53%) or 2 (4%)
  g    = 0 (85%) or 1 (14%)
The "soft" words have the form

  Q^w R^x F^y

  w = 0 (95%) or 1 ( 5%)
  x = 0 (12%) or 1 (58%) or 2 (22%) or 3( 2%) 
  y = 0 (55%) or 1 (40%)
The "soft" schema above can be interpreted as a special case of the
"hard" schema with no X or Hs (i.e. c+d+e = 0), although the probabilities
are somewhat different.

Said another way, the typical Voynichese word has a "midfix"
(kernel, root), possibly empty, consisting of at most one gallows
surrounded by at most two tables.  To the midfix is attached
a prefix having at most one "q" and at most one dealer;
and a suffix with at most two dealers and at most one final.

Let's now check how many words fit this paradigm:

  foreach sec ( ${sections} ren all )
    echo "$sec"
    cat data/${sec}/class-wds.cts \
      | gawk '/./{print $1,$2}' \
      | sed -e 's/[O]://g' \
      > /tmp/.foo
    cat /tmp/.foo \
      | egrep -e ' :(Q:|)([SD]:|)(X:X:H:|H:X:X:|(X:|)(H:|)(X:|))([SD]:|)([SD]:|)([NI]:|)$' \
      | combine-counts | sort -b +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
      > /tmp/.foogut 
    cat /tmp/.foo \
      | egrep -v -e ' :(Q:|)([SD]:|)(X:X:H:|H:X:X:|(X:|)(H:|)(X:|))([SD]:|)([SD]:|)([NI]:|)$' \
      | combine-counts | sort -b +0 -1nr +1 -2 \
      > /tmp/.foobad
    /bin/rm -f  data/${sec}/class-fit.cts 
    cat /tmp/.foogut | sed -e 's/ :/ +:/' >> data/${sec}/class-fit.cts 
    cat /tmp/.foobad | sed -e 's/ :/ -:/' >> data/${sec}/class-fit.cts 
This paradigm fits 97% of all words in Rene's list (with multiplicities)
and 94% of all words in the interlinear file.  The remaining 6%
includes the words containing "wild" (W) elements (3% of all words)
and long words that look like two words joined together.

The most common patterns in the interlinear that do
not fit the paradigm and do not contain a wild element 

     46 :H:H:
     44 :H:X:H:
     38 :H:S:X:
     32 :H:S:X:D:
     26 :H:S:X:S:
     20 :D:I:S:
     19 :D:S:X:D:
     19 :H:H:S:
     19 :X:D:X:
     18 :S:I:S:
     18 :X:X:H:X:
     15 :I:S:
     15 :S:S:X:
     15 :X:S:H:
     14 :H:I:S:
     13 :D:S:X:
     12 :D:I:D:
     12 :S:S:X:D:

where S = { s l r }, D = { d }, I = { in iin ir iir }, N = { n m g j }.