# Herbal-A section of the Voynich manuscript # Last edited on 1998-07-09 15:59:44 by stolfi # Transcribed by Friedman / First Study Group ("F"), and Jorge # Stolfi ("U"), the latter from Jacques Guy's image gallery. kchry chodaiin ol oltchey char cfhar am yteeay char or ochy dcho lkody okodar chody dao ckhy ckho ckhy shy dksheey cthy kotchody dal dol chokeo dair dam sochey chokody potoy shol dair cphoal dar chey tody otoaiin shoshy choky chol cthol shol okal dolchey chodo lol chy cthy qo ol choies cheol dol cthey ykol dol dolo ykol dol chody okol shol kol kechy chol ky chol cthol chody chol daiin shor okol chol dol ky dar shol dchor otcho dar shody taor chotchey dal chody schody pol chodar kydainy ypchol daiin otchal ypchaiin ckholsy dorchory chkar s shor cthy ctho qotaiin cthey y chor chy ydy chaiin shaiidy chtoddy cphy dals chokaiin d otochor al shodaiin chol dan ytchaiin dan saiin daind dkol sor ytoldy dchol dchy cthy shor ckhy daiiny chol dan kydain shaiin qoy s shol fodan yksh olsheey daiildy dlssho kol sheey qokey ykody so chol yky dain daiirol qoky cholaiin shol sheky daiin cthey keol s aiin saiin ychain dal chy dalor shan dan olsaiin sheey ckhor okol chy chor cthor yor an chan saiin chety chyky sal sho ykeey chey daiin chcthy kaoiin cheo pchor otaiin odain chor dair shty kch* kchy sho shol qotsho loeees qoty chor daiin otchy chor lshy chol chody shodain chcthy daiin sho cholo cheor chodaiin kchor shy daiiin chckom sshey dor chol daiin dor chol chor chol keol chy chty daiin otchor chan daiin chotchey qotchey chokeos chees chr cheaiin chokolshe chor cheol chol dolody tsheos qopal chol cthol daimm ycheor chor dam qotcham cham ochor qocheor chol daiin cthy schey chor chal cham cham cho qokol chololy s cham cthol ychtaiin chor cthom otal dam otchol qodaiin chom shom damo ysheor chor chol oky damo sho *or sheoldam otchody ol ydar chol cthom pcheol shol sols sheol shey okadaiin qokchor qoschodam octhy qokeey qotshey qokody qokchey cheody chor qodair okeey qokeey tsheoarom shor or chor ofchsy chom otchom oporar oteol chol s cheol ekshy qokeom qokol daiin soleem soeom okeom yteody qokeeo dal sam pcheoldom shodaiin qopchor qopol opchol qoty otolom otchor ol cheor qoeor dair qoteol qosaiin chor cthy ycheor chol odaiin chol saiin okolor am koaiin cphor qotoy sha ckhol ykoaiin s oly daiidy qotchol okchor okor olytol dol dar okom chol shol sches chom cheeykam okai* qodar chs chy tcheol okal dor cheareeb ychear otchal chor chor ckh or cheor kor chodaly cham tchor otcham chor cfham s ykchy kchom chor chckhol oka yteeaiir okeol cthodoaly chor cthy ochor daiin qokshol daiim chol okary sho shockho ckhy tchor chodaiin chom osh chodair ytchy tchor kcham s shar shkaiin qokcha yty cthal chky dain sheam yteam kodalchy chpady sheol ol sheey qotey doiin chor ytoy dchor chol shol cthol shtchy chaiin s choraiin chom otchol chol chy chaiin qotaiin daiin shain qotchol chy yty daiin okaiin cthy pydaiin qotchy dy tydy chor shy tchy dy tcheey qotaiin cthol daiin cthom chor chol shol cthy cpholdy daiin ckhochy tchy koraiin odal shor shyshol cphaiin qotchoiin shear qoty soiin chaiin chaiin daiin cthey pchaoiin kshea kchoy chapchy dolds dlod olchey chy cthy shkchor sheo cheory choldy cho sho chaiin shaiin daiin qodaiin oaram qokchy qocthy choteol daiin cthey choaiin shor sheey cto otaiin chey qotchoiin chodain ytchoy shokchy cphody torshy cheeor chor chokchy cphy dy olain chor cthol sho otor cthory qookoiiin cheom chcthy shoky daiin otaiin sheo oteody chol choteody shokcheor shody shtaiin qotol daiin qokey sho okeol s keey shar char ody shody s cheor chokody shodaiin qoty ochodo chytey chtody kshody pchoy chkoy oaiin oar olsy chody dkshy dy ochey okey qokaiin sho ckhoy cthey chey ok**or otol qoaiin otan chy daiin oteeen cho cthy otchy qotchody otain sheody chan s cheor chocthy tshy shody qoaiin cholols sho qotcheo daiin shodaiin sho cheor chey qoeeey qoykeeey qoeor cthy shotshy dy qotoeey keey cheo kchy shody kocheor char ytchey pshod chols chodaiin ytoiiin daiin dchol sh* chol otaiin dain cthor chot* ychopor dm qotcho ytor daiin daiin otchor daiin qo darchor do qotor shees otol ykoiin shol daiin cthor okchy taiin shokeeol chor cheotol otchol daiin dal chol chotaiin otol chol dairodm foar y shol cholor cphol chor chckh chopchol otcham daiin chckhy chor chor kar cthy cthor chotols poeear kshor choky os cheoees ykeor ytaiin dam dar cho s sheor chocthy otcham yaiir chy tar okoiin shees ytaly cthaiin odam or al daiin ckham okom cthaiin ydaiin daiin qodaiin cho s chol okaiin s ychol ckhor pchar shea ckhaiin dar sheeol skaiiodar otaiin chory tchor ctheod chy shor odshe od ychar olchad olchokaiin or shol cthom chor cthy qocthol qodaiin cthy ysho taiin ykaiim koary sar cheekar qoar shor chapchy s chear char otchy oiir chor chckhy qokchar cheas odaiiin kchey chor chaiin qoair ckhy chol qochockhy chetchoy ckhy okol rychos yshckhy ytchoy sos y dady dchy dey okody ytody dair sha chodam dam okor oty dol dom tchody shocthol chocthey s ychos ychol daiin cthol dol ychor chor okchey qokom oeeo dal chor cthom s qokchod ychear kchdy lor char otam cthom dy ytchos shy qokam cthy yodaiin cthy s chor oees or qotor chol cthol tchalody chockhy s or chy s ain ar ochy cthar cthar cthy ychaiin ckhal cthodam dy ytchocthol ches cthor ocholy kchor chy dor dchor choldar okol daiin ycheor chor octham fchodaiin chopchey qko chey qoos sheey chorochy dcheey keor chor dold dchey kchey otchy cheody ochees cheodaiin sheey ytcheey qotchy chald qokcho cho lochey daiin ychey kchos odaiin oains otaiin ksholo chey qotoees chkoldy otchor choaiin dshoy cthol chol otchol dain shody shol chotchy okchey deeeese choty qokchy shol keey choty dain qokechy olchoiin chol cphey shckhy chochy kchod schain chor daiin chckhy polyshy shey tchody qopchy otshol dy daiin tshodody chochy cthy daiin qoky chcphhy daiin cthol cthy cthd qokchy dykchy chkeey kshy ky ty dor cheey ol cheol dy chotain ochar choschy dain shokshy shol deees dol dchodaiin qotchy cheey tcheey kchor sheod sheodaiin shodaiin oksholchol dair qos okshodain chorcheor odaiin shotch* dol dol doraiin qoteeeo r chocheeody qotchey te* okchor daiin shokeeo daiin chotchy dor deol dy dol daiin pshol chor otshal chopy cphol chody shy cfhodar shor tchty shkcheals sho okche do dchy dain al chodar shy ry chodaiin shokchy chor dy qotor chor chor sheey dchol shesed chofchy dam okchey do r cheeey dy ky scho chky ekooaiin chy taiin tosh ekcheey kol toldy shy choety cheeody sol choto kchoan choor dain tchoep cho pcheey pchey ofchey dsheey shol daiin shor daiin cheey teeodan dy cheocthy oksheo dol dairm shol cheodaiin daiin do ytchody chot choty otariin qochodaiin shotokody chotol ctho cthey shol chofydy sho chey kshey lody cholal dchey ckhol chol chey kshs chy cthdaiin dol daiinrchy ckhy ychey kchokchy chsey kchy scheaiin cthaichar cthy dar chol dey qokar chl aiin chean *y char chaiin okar cfhaiin chaiin el daiin chor cha rcheal cham sair cheain cphol dar shol kaiin shol kaiin dai kam or chokesey shey okal chal cthod soocth sol shol otol chol opchoaiin opydaiin saiin shcthal sar chor sheaiin shor shykchy otaiin cty qody cheal sy chory chear shol chaiin shaiin dolar dshol shol dal chean cthar shealy daiin chary chol chol dar otchar ctaiin cthol dar daiin cthan ytchy choykaiin dain ar cho kchol dar shey cthar chotain ry okchol ksh chol chol chol cthaiin dain chol orchl chokchy chol cthor chaiin scharchy oeesody kchey pchy cpharom sorain pchar cho rol dal shear chchotaiin chal daiin kchor otchar oky chokain keoky otorchy satar shor okol lokaiin shol kol char cthey tchy ckham or chol cheeb cheky chor cheain char cheeky chor ry chor cheor chear oteey dchor chodey cho raiin dain chear daiin tydlo choly cthor orchey sshy odaiin sary shor cthy oykeey chol ytaiin okchody toeoky okoiin dy or chaiin toiin cphy qotod otaiin cthy okor chey cthod r am yshy cho kcho chcthod shor shaiin otar dor ytol dayty daiin chor sor cthy chokoiin shol dsholdy otchol otdy pshoain cthoaiin okaiir cfhodoral shar sy shydal chdy or chol chy tchy tchol ytor qotol chyky chodar aiin qotcho qokchy cthey koraiin okaind dal solsho cthy ocho cthy chocthoy chodykchy saiin dchy daiin fochor oporody opy shor daiin qopchypcho qofol shol cphol daiin dchor qoaiin chkaiin cthor chol chor cphol dy oty qokaiin dy ykey chor ykaiin daiin cthy otaiin oky oeees daiin ytey tchy taiin cthor otol oty toldy pchor ypchchy qotor ypchy olcfholy te ar chty daiiin odol choy ksheody chody dain otchy cthod yko qochol chol ctchy daiin otal dor daim soiin daiin qokcho rokyd daly daiin chy tor chyty dary ytoldy oty kchol chol chy kyty ychor chshoty okykaiin chkaiin ckhy chor pchocthy shor octhody chorchy pchodolchopchal yrch kom dchey cthoor char chty os chair oty tchol oky daiin etyd qotor otchy daiin chocthy qotchy chol or yty dy dy sor chaiin chcthy ctho ckhy or aiin chtchor doiir ody qokchy qotchol chol cthy ycheor cthy chor cthaiin qoctholy dy chy taiin shy dchy qokchol ykchaiin yty daiin cthdain dair am qotchor chor otol chol cholor chol daiin dar oykchor shor chor chy kaiiin dy chodaiin oqotar otor cfhy cthor osain ytoiin rotcho shor qoty qotor cthyd otar odaiin daiin qotchy qotor paiin daiin sheo pcheey qoty daiin cthor oty dy sain dain daiin ckhy chcthor choiin qotchodaiin cthy daiin dsho ytey kchol olty chol dy qotchytor shoiin daiin qotchey shcthey ytor dain sho ykeey daiin qotchy qotor chol daiin qokchyky shoiin chor shcthy qoty qotoiin qokol choraiin qokol chyky chol cheky daiin dain chckhan tshol schoal cfhy shfydaiin cphy shey tchody shoyty socthody qodory kshy daiin ytchy ytchoky kchol daiin qoty chol cthy dor ykychy choty dain chaiin daiin ded dchol chy kchy dy daiin tchol shor shor dky shcphy daiin cthy dy chodl daiin odl dsy otol chaiin ykchor dair chody cthy s daiin qotchy okchol cthy dy poldchody shcphy shordy qoty shol cphar dan y shol dy chckhy shcthy daiin dam ykchy dain dchy otchor dy kchy tchy dar qokchd oky chol dy dy qokchor chololor chyky dchy qoky ctho tchey tu soydy qoteey qotchor dy ddy cthor shy arg ycheor ksho dor cthey s chold torshor opchy sholdy qopchy shol opchor dy pchy dchm dchol chol dol shkchy ydal shy ykchy qotey daiin sy sydchor shaiin oeees ykor chor ytshy ykchy kchy dar qodchy ytchy otchor shorodo shy tshy kchol dpchy qopchy otchol cfholdy tchor dor daiin qotchol okchy okchor oiin chckhy d dchy qoky chol dy qokey doldy okchor doaiin shochy qokchy torchy keckhy s okchey daiin oldy shey chol doiin ykoly okchal daldy sotchy kchy okorory koair chtoiin otchy kchod otol otchy octhos oko qokol chodal *tchol cphol choty qokchy qokod chy otchy cthody olschey okos oaiin okshy qo ckhy qoky daiin fol daiin olcphy sholdy oty shor qotyd dairod dain okal chy qokchory dchy koky daiin shon otchy daiin ydain ykol okchy okald dytaiin tchtod otal cthor ytal ychotal sho qocthy yol chy kchey kchor dal pcho daiin chopol shoiin daiin dain oykeey soiiin chok qokchy da okol ydaiin olchy kchor daiin olol ochkchar kol shy daiin dorody qokchol dar dala qotolo ychol oir okor choor ockhy otcho dain chckhy soshy *chol shor cheor ykaiin s sody chody otchody qotchy koiin sy shoty dy qotchor chod shoty chody dol dy dy okchydy dcho kchy schol dy shey dar qoty ykeeyky oeeen chey teor chey tchy ky chodalm sodaiin chy kchy kchy ykeody pdychoiin yfodain otyshy dy ypchor daiin kolydain okchor dchy tshy oky chy cthy otchyty chol daiin ychy dy daiin chcthy ykykaiin dytchy ykchyky dy ytyshy ksho ykshy shokshor yty darody dy otyds okshy daiin okchor chky qotchy daiin cthor oty qoty choky cthy chokchy dy dy dy chckhy dchyd n oykshy choty dy dy odyd otchy okchy dshy dardy chokshor daiin okshody daiin dol dair dam dykshy ctholdm dchckhy tshor shey tchaly shy chtols shey daiin otchor qokchor oly okor shy koly qokaiin qotchy tydy daiin chol cthy scheaiin chodaiin chl sol ckhaiin sal qotchy rshor cthy daiin cthy dy dchy ko kaiin chdy saiin okear daiin shkaiin cthy shokeocthy shocthy tol kaiin s dain ctholy octhain qokaiin chos odaiin cthlsy y chain chckhey okshy saiiin dol chds okaiin otaiin chl sy chor choross qotor shor tcheor chy cthaiin shan ykshol dor sheey cthy dain sky shor shoty otcho kchy chol daiin cthar ytol dor dom qotchor chaiin chy kol daky poror orshy choiin dtchan opchordy *chor or oro raiin cthy *ain dar cthor daiin qokor okeor okaiin doiin choky shol qoky qotchod otchor chor chor ytchor cthy s qotchey choty kaiin otchy raiin coy choiir sho *chy s chy tor ols ytchor chor ol oiin oty shol daiin otchol octhol chol chol chody kan sor chor cthoiin cthy qokaiin soloiin cheor chol daiin cthy daiin cthor chol chor pocheody qopchey sykaiin opchy dor ychy daiin dy chor orom ychykchy otqy kol shor ody otody qoy oeesordy ydor sheal okchy qoy koiin choky ykair tchor chor chs ykch shocthy opchy tyky oshaiin dyky oeees deeeo daiin dtoaiin daiin dalchy dyky schy saiin doal qoky shotchy ydain yky shody otol daiin saiin ytaiin toror dalydal opchy fchol ypchocfhy okal sokchy qokol choty okchy cthy chy kchy dycho kchy shcthy shtshy sho tchokyd qokchor dl dy shey pchraiin otchor chpchol chpchey spchocthy ytchor yky chokchy qokcho cthor shory ykchy dy choy qoty chy kchy koshet dchol chcthody cphod chotol dal ytchy chyty chor chol ytchy dan sor chkar oty chkar chol dairin pchocthy chypchy qotchy chcfhey sy daiin chol ydaiin chcthy qotchar chor sholo dshy okaiin okaiin chol chor cthor ty chody qokchy chydy ykchy chckhy otain cthor cthy okytaiin chkchy saiin daiin yky otor chody sokar oaorar fshody daram ydar chom opydy ypod chop otchy dody oldckhy ydair chokoky okshy qodar ckhody dor otchol qodcthy ods chol or chy qodam okor chor okchom tcho* shol qokol qor olaiin opydm som ypchy ypaim ychekchy cthy chor shor cphor cphaldy dair cthey qody tsho qofcho qokcheor chekem ksheo qokchy choldshy **pchy dshy opchordy dchchy dychear schar ykchy soy chckho odar chypcham dar chear dsheor dain ymol otchol cthar okaiin chol daiin ychody chotom pchodol chor fchy opydaiin odaldy ycheey keeor ctho dal okol odaiin okal oldaim odaiin okal oldaiin chockhol olol kchor fchol cphol olcheol okeeey ychol chol dolcheey tchol dar ckhy oekor or okaiin or otaiin d sor chkeey poiis chor os saiin qokeey kcha rol dy chol daiin sy ycheol shol kchol chol taiin ol oytor okeor okar okol doiir am qokcheo qokoiir ctheol chol oy choy keaiin chckhey ol chor ykeor chol chol cthol chkor sheol olor okeeol chodaiin okeol tchory ychor cthy cheeky cheo otor oteol okcheol chol okeol cthol otcheolom qoain sar she dol qopchaiin cthor otor cheeor ol chol dor chr oreees dain chey qoaiin cthor cholchom ykeey okeey cheor chol sho ydaiin oal cheor sholor or shecthy cpheor daiin qokeee dar chey keeor cheeol ctheey cthy chkeey okeor char okeom pdrairdy darode fyoar ykchol daram chckhy ockhor dal otshol qokchol chykchy okchal daiin dy chol diiin qokchor chor chckhy or chey qokchol dy ytcharm chor cthor okeor ykchol okain tchor shor cthaiin cthol chlol chom ychy kchor dain ytol chcthy dar dar dal oshor shaiin cthy sholdy doldy doldaiin qokchor ckhol olody okaldy dary chol chcthal okshal chykald dar shor qokchol olydaiin sotchaiin chokchy chckhol chorm ychair cthol daiin qokchy cthy or shaiin cthor cthal okal dar told shor ytshy otchdal dchal dchy ytdm qoeees or oaiin shyr okshy qokchy qokchy s g orshy qoky qoky chkchy qokshy qokam qotchy qokay qokchy ykcho ydl dan ychoees ykchy qol kchy qotchol daiir om qotor chor otchy qokeees chy s ar ykar ychol dor chod qokol daiin qokol dar dy tolol sh cphoy daror ddy ytor ykam okchor qotchy qokchy ytol doky dy yko dshy dair ytol dom pchor qodchy qotshy dy tchy qotchy qoky daiin dchydy dshy chor y tchy chol dytchy chordy daiin dyty s cho* oscheor shy tdaiin chol dor yky qokorar daiin chckhy shy kchor otchy tchy qoky daiin r yshor shy daiin otytchy daiin qokcho ky cthar dor chan dar or chor daky dal chor dorl shy qotchor dy dor ytchy kchy shdaiin daiin cthor chol ykchor chordy qotchy qolody choldy cthyd ykchor chor daiin daiinol osocthor ytchor pochaiin cthor ocphchos opchey py kchy qokchy kchol sor qokchor ykchy darom otchy chol daiin qotol ytol daiiin ytch chcthy qotol daiin daiin qotchy qocth** daiin doty qot ychoy kchor cthol chocthy s ochor chaiin cthor toy tchey qodchol qokchs dom yshor oky chor ytol chol oky ddor daiin chor daiin qok** o*chan qotol dor okchor daiin cthor otam otch okchodshy daiin or otaiin dair yees ykchol oty ytor ytar ytchor ytaiin kdchody chopy cheey qotchol qotoeey dchor chaiin chodey cthey chotol odaiir qotchy cthody chodchy qoteey chochodaiin sho qochy chey tcheo dal daral ochol olteey otalchey pchocthy chokoaiin cphy cheeen opchey shosaiin * choees okchor qotol cheey daiin chy choiin daiin ochol shod daiin choteol chol dol shol otaiin schodain cheor cheody fchodees shody qotchey qokchey qocphy chokoldy ochoaiin chor sody pchodaiin chetody choky dchy toy dchod qoteeody ytchy qot shey dchaiin chol ody shoiin cheody otchey otchy tchy qoteey daiin dar ochaiin chor chor cheey tchey faiisar okoy shy pofochey opchy qopy choldy opydy cphy sos ykaiin cheol chol choiin checthy otol chol chodaiin oty okchy shokchol shol chcthy qoty chy tolshy qotchy sho or aiin shol daiin tshol folchol otor shol chos fchodchy otchy chcphy dy doiiin chockhy dar cheockhy chos cheos char cthaiin shocthy sho cthy daiin cheoy tey s soaiin shain choraly sho ar chy daiin ds ytchy teody cho cthy cholshd qoty g * shokaiin chocthy chol daiin chy chor *ty okoiin chey cphol chory pchor oeeockhy ofychey ypchey qopcheody otaiin chan saiin chcphy oky sheaiin qotchol oteos sheey cthy daiin qotol shy ol cheor chy qokchey chey keey dy pchofy chy daiin cthain otolosheey qocthey tol chory ykeey daiin chosy qokoiin otol chol qotcheol okeoaiin dchor y kolyky chol kol qokeal cholol qoteeol dady shoeor cheor chokeody cho cthor shy fcho kshy otor sheol ocphal opsheas cthodaiin oty okaiin sho tshaiin chkaiin shcthey cthody cthys totchy keor chyky qotaiin qotchol ty ctheey otaiin shol chol shol tchol chcthy otyky shey yteol shody ykeey chor sheey ysheol chor chol daiin chkaiin toldshy chofchy qofshey shckhol odaiin shey ckholy oeeesoy qokchy chody qotchy qokchy choty tchol daiin qotol keeees chotchy tcho choty chor qotol daiin dal sho chodaiin choty chol daiin daiin chty chtol osho deey cthol sho cthy daiin daitoky sho tsho chotshol chol todaiin daiin ykcho lchol cholchaiin otchy s sheaiin cho l kchochaiin pololshy fcholy shol dpchy oty okoly daiin opchys ocphy oloiin shol okor qokchol daiin otaiin cthor dain ckhy dom qokol dykaiin okchy daiin cthol ctholo dar shain pchaiin opchy daiin cfhy doraiin ypchol sy schor daiin ol daiin qokchy dar daiin chor oldor oky ycholdchy ychokshchy ctheen kchol shol dsheor shka chdoly ytaiin ol otchy cphal dchor oty daiin ctholy qoky chotaiin chocthy do*iin dchor odaiin dain cthy ctheor oraiiny kchol chor daiin cthoiin dchor chey qokoldy opchol oldam doiin yckhody qokchy oky otoldy yty dol or dachy daiin odchaiin cthy okchy kchy dchol daiin ydaiin dchor dydain qockhy ykal okain pysaiinor ofchar oky tchy otdy sor sho qo'd daiin ykaiin qotchy kchy otchyd dshor ychy qoky kchorl otchy cthy otchyky otchol otam otchaiin shoty qoky saiin odaiin ytaiin dor ykcheor daii** fshor shy tchor otaiin ychor chor qokchol chory qotchy cthy qokol daiin dam okshor shody chol tchol otaiin daiin qokchy daiin s or ytal sokaiin otydy ychky daiin cthy okchain chkoldy shotoly qotchy olshey shol daiin sho ctho chocthy qokchy dory pydchdom chy fcholdy oty otchol shy opyaiin *yfchy daiin ololdy dal toar chor daiin chk dain otchy lolchor daiin dam okchol dainm dchar ykor ykaiin daiin cthom qokoldy okaiir ykaiilm qokeey ofchol dain yfchor olfchor otchald ychor qokchol ytam chol dain chol ar of ol dol dain tshol ykor qokaiin yky dar okol dchey daindal dam ytchol dals okar olchar shaiin qokchol dar qokchol dairo r ol daiin alm qokshy char daiir qokaiin olol qoaiin ykchy s dal okchy okol okshy qokol dy dal dshe qokeeesy oly daiin dal qyk okaiin chkchy s yteain odal chal dy dar ykain ykyka dalory podairol odaiiily sho al dy opchol otol ol chcphy qotchar s qo*eotor chy okchaldy qokchey dol otchol chal otchg ycho okaiin okeol eees ol daiin okeeor daiin qotchol g okchey dair sholol oldal okchor dar dor chear shor dol oaldary tshol shor shkshy okol daiin otshor olsar otor oiin sho shol qokol daiin sol daiin yly qokaiin dain qokor okal g dam chor olol dam otshy dal dar oldar ar or qoto l chees g dor chy kshol chol cthol otol oloiir yokaiin doroiin olols oiin ol cheen ols ol aiior oloro eeeoly porory chor opchar she cheol daiin or qotaiin char odain okaickhal oky ycthar cthal okol qotar ckhy or chckhaly cthar eeor chees da qodar cho rchey cthy cthy keom oeeeos eteor otal qocthol qoky qekar chtar s cheor cthol qodol ychor s om qoear daiin qokeol odaiin ckham qodaickhy dol dal qlor cphar chor s am chotaiin dy sar cheoiees okeer cheor qokain qokchy qotchy tol tod ckhy oees ol s chey chcth sar qor cheey qod char cthal ockhoes oeees ol dal s sham okeal dal dam dal sshey otam sham cthom oky ycheol chol daiin chol s yol tol chol shom otacphy tchodar chocfhey opam shod chcphy opshody ocphoraiin oko*am ydals ckhor shy cho dchor otol otaiir otchos okchom okcho octhol odchees osearees okam chcth ydal sh okol okaiin odaiin dlor olor oraiin tchar oro tochol chor cfharar s ycheol daid dar olom kochky chcthy shol sain ychol chol or chorom okoeor ctheod choy keol ydaiin cheor qodom okodaiin ksho foar cto sho qokch ok okchal oeeey cheol chol odor sho do otolodal doiir cheeodam sho sho dy dchey kchod dchal ochdy otchol odaiim fcholdy soshy daiin ckhy shody daiin ocholdy cpholdy sy otor chor chrky chotchy shair qod sho chy kchy chkain qotchy qotshy cheesees sheear s chain daiin chain dain dchckhy shocthy ytchey cthor s chan chaiin qotchain qotcheaiin dchain cthain daiin daiin cthain qotaiin okal chotaiin poeeaiin qoky shy daiin qopchey otchey qofchor sos dchor cthor chor daiin s okeeaiin daiin ckhey daiin orcho kchor chol daiin shckhor daiin dshey dainty qokaiin qokcho shol daiin ckhear ckhol daiin chkear dar chokeey dshor dshey qochol dol cho daiin daiin qokcho rochy qotchy qokoral cho * chain deeaiir s osh chkey dainol daiin shckhy orchaiin ksor shey shoteo chfo raiin shy shod chary dy chain shol dain dar shokyd dchol ctheyds chol shy keol chol shy shol chy daiin chey dam qokey chor char chy dchy keey chos cthody dor chees ctho shy cphary daiin dair chy tchols chor chol chaiin shy kchaldy kchey chey kcheol pchy schey ly chals cham ytchy chy tchol dy tchey dain chol dal dchey keeod sho tchey chol oty chy tolm qotchey shes sy chy tchey dy chol daiiin chees chos cthy dan dain cheokeey chey cthey otal pochof chof cho sho soly shol ytchar opchory kchor chor dchy chkar otchy shy shy dchy dshy kchy cheo daidy dchy kcheo kchy dchokchy dsho dchir chodchy ctcheody shld otcho chy kcheed chl chol kod o oksho dochees m qoky shkeeos chodar shkol choteey cthodol dsho kchrrs okeedy dchrchy sotchdy sho shoykcho shdy dchd chrchry otchdy okshes okchokshy pchodar shod chocphy opchol daiin otchol chyqoldy otchor otchor cthol cthy ctheol dy dchar chakod dly qotchaiin shor cthol cthol shor chotchy tchodar choty chtol otol chotchy cthol otol choky qoty oksho otorchy kchor or chodaiin sho cthody okoy qokchol qodaiin otcholchy daiin cho qokol okam sho otor shockhy shocthy otoldy dshor dol dar oschotshl daiin okchey kol daiin shol dsho otaiin ytchol deey yteol deaiin kshol qooiiin chor pshoiiin shepchy qoty dy shory ykcholy qoty chy dy qokchol chor tchy qokchody cheoro chor chol chy choiin tshoiin cheor chor ochty qotol sheol shor daiin qoty otol shol daiin chkaiin shoiin qotchey qotshey daiiin pchol aiir chol tsho daiin sho teochy chtshy dair am okain chan chain cthor dain yk chy daiin cthol sor chear chl d choly dar poraiin she aiin chep oty chy qotchy qoty cheecthy dshe ykchy choty oky chol chchoty choky chyty dy qokchy qoty kchaiin shear cthor dchor choly chocthy qoos chos kcheol cheor sheos sheey teey d a* shos octhy chokshy shocthy shor shor daiin qokaiiin qokchy chol shokchy qokaiin choety choty kaiin shor chor sho sheky shy qoty kody daiin cthy qokshe qor chey kor cheod ychom koaiin shor chetchy olals shytchy cthy shy cho shy daiin qotcheaiin s chol chol cthy chey cthold ytshor dary chol cholkor shey odaiin qotchy taiin s she otey sy ysho otshy okaiin cthy oltchy ctos shot sho okaiin tochan chain shan shoty chshy shy dchor chol chaiin shaiin cthod dar chs shody qotcho kchor daiin ykaiin dy shdy cho cthy sheky otol sho tchor cholody dain chcth chy cthody dol sho chokor chor chy ydaiin cho ykeeb oaiin qokoiin okaiin cho cth chyd chykar daiin eeteor octhy dar chyt otody qekeochor otchey sy okchesy chey shor chey fcheody shey tchy cher do shey ychody chey chkeey ksho keeor cheor shey che keeodol sy chodaiin chory chey doiin raiin chorain cheey keim qokechy qoko qopchar soin chan qotchaiin choko qokochy deeey dkeeor cheoldain chory dchorol sho chor cho ro raiin dor chseeordy qor chain cthorchy opchol ol chesey scheo rchey okeal dcheo rchey dchey qochar chol keeaiin chcthey chor cheky chokchaiin dchor chkchean qotchy chctho rchody qotchor cheor chey cheor chey soiin ydey sor daiin dcheey ckhey ckhey daiin chkeaiin dar chor ychdaiin chodaiin chtchey chear shy keey cthscthain shosaiin chocthey sho chepchy shor sheaiin qotchor chy she kchor chory keor ol chy daiin ctholdy chotchol daiin cthol doiin daiin chokeor dal chtocthy otchey daiin chor checkhy qotchod daiin dain shoty chkol ytor cheofdy qokeeor chokol chokeody dairy chokchy sho kcho tcho ctho sos oyshy cheotol cphoaiin cphey qotchor chor sheey cheol sos sho sheoldy otcheor daiin sol chokcheey daiin kchody fchaiin shykeody dainody dain sho tchy oty qopy okor okchor sheor ckhy dal dshodar qotchof qokchor chor cthol chol do l dcheodain daiin schor dshor ytsho dain daiin choddal qotchy qokchy daiin fcho tcheychedy otol dol oldair qoar daiin dam dytchor dary dchor ctho daiin shos chckhol n shodaiin chtol otcho rol dain daiin cthy schey qot shey daiin cths qokchy qotol doiir ol otchol chey soty chokeol dchoty doiin shoshy dol dcholda r kcheodaiin chol kechy qotaiin dainoam ocho fchody daiin odar chy daiin chey tchy ldy dain teor shor daiin chckhy dsho dain daiin s shokey ka orchr chor dor chaiin qotcho rchy dcho daiin chokchy daiin shy chor qokaiin dain dchol dorm okchan chol shal dchcthy ksho cphor she sheaiin otshchor dain shckhy s odan otchol daiin daiin ctho daiin qotaiin otchy d shar qotchy cfhy skey chocthy daiin cthaiin daiin sho keol chor chol daiin cphol cthol dy ar ol sho chy cthoo rcholy cthy choty char dy qokeeaiin chokaiin qotchy daiin dchaiin cthey qotchey taiin cthory qotchy shetchy ckhol cheey daiin dainl otchor sho tcheey scheey daiin dain or schaiin char chan daiin shosaiin tchor choky qokchy kykaiin daiin paiin chear aiin chear shor chaiin oaiin chaiin ckhy rchl schochy daiin shcheaiin shol cthaiin lchaiin lchal dal dair aldy n olor chy chaiin chy taiin kchey koldy chetchaiin qokoiin chaiin qokchaiin lshy lodaly oteey taiin cthol chol aiin qotchy otchor daiin shol qotaiin ochor schiin daiin ytain parchor chocthy roaiin ar qotchy otchey kchor yty dchor choty chyty daiin ytchy qotchy dchy cthy dchokchy chocthy chckhor shol tcheey chkcheeen chcthaiin tcho tchor shol sho chkol daiin oaiin tchor cho chotchy dchold qokchaiin cho kshol choiin okcheey chosar shory qotcheeaiin chodaiin dchaiin daiin daiin dals ol char od ar chear tcheain shy tar dain ykol cheol okchy tch ydaiin okeey daiin daiin dain chkaly choly daiin qokeeen chokeea r schokey ykeol chol daiin sodaiin shy dchy ckhy dan doiin chor chor pchafdan qorain chcfhal soiin cphor shaiin cthy dair oral shor ytaiin qotaiin qooldy chty choldy tor qotchy tchy daiin daiin dolsain podaiir cphyqoypchol r om chy chy dchy fchom dar daiin qorchol ctholy so r chy sy chytaroiin okaiin cthor ykaiin s dain an dan qotol cthol okoldy okchy ytorory sold ytchor cthol chaiin yd ytodaly daiin otaro pcharasy qoforom shoaiin tchey chckhey otaiin cphar daiin qotar chol daiin otaiin qotor ytar ochor chety ckhor dom dchytchy ytors otaiin qopchor otar otchaiin s qotchor ykyty dy daiin cthor tchor ckhoiin daiin cphchar daiin cthor daiin dal dys qoky keol okchor os chy shan ykshy ytchy dol ytydy yky okaiin ykcholqod chory ykcho tchy daiin daiinld otychcthy ytoryd ytol kchy oty chd oky she cthol oty soiin chtain tocphol shaiin qotor ofchor oty chory daiin otod or ykoiin cthor okaiin qotchy qtody qokaiin sho ytaiin qoshy qokaiin cthol dy ckhor oky dy pchotchy daiin cfhol dar chol daiin y ky qokchy qotchor chkol otoly shor shol qokchy qotom ody dchol daiin sor chey kor qokor daiin koiin chorody qokaiin shory otal shor sheor dar ykchody qotchy ykaiin chy qotordy otcholol daiin qoto okchochor dchor chydaiin ychey kol daiir okchor daiin ckhy dain daiin kshody qocthy qotoldy chopdain sol dor chol cthor oschochor daiin qokchon shy chon daiin dy dshor dytory dshor daiin dchor qotol ykchon dain yokor ytchor saiin oty qotchor daiin qotor choiin chetchy daiin dor chor sho daiiin daiin soiin shey otoiin chey tom qotoiin choror cthol daiin chor shyly sheaiin dotody sotoiiin todain cphaiin cphorods soiiin cheoky daiin dain qotor daiin chotaiin sokchor qokoiiin ykeeols oyteey daiin daiin ody daiin qkaiin qotal daiin ychockhey ykol daiin s oshctho do daiin cthols qotol ytoiin chocthey yto chol daiin tolor chockhy oky choiin okshol oly oky okshey chodys ytoiin otaiin otaiin cthar qokor okaiin otaiin qokchol chokokor ychokchey chckh chy chka rodaiin daiin sy okor chey kain chor ctho dain ckholdy ysho sho kos daiin okoy chochor daiin okchop chol shotol oteol okeey s chor daiin d choiin shey key sho oiin s chol ldy okeaiin okom qokeey keordaiin okey keey daiin dair daiin s okeey daiin qokeey chotey tody oky aiin d qoty daiin chol oteeol dody cheod chody sho keeey key tey daiin daiiin dain dain daiin qolchy dain * or daiin dain daldy oaiin char chshol chokaiin cthsho ofaiin cthachchy otcheey pchear sol kaiin char cheky otshaiin daiiry toshy chtshar chotar chain dal shor chetar chotair dar cthaiin qokar chockhy chotor chy kary pcho chy kshaiin sho taiin cham shan yshol chees cthol shor shol ety chary qotchor otchol ctho kchodan chkchory choty dol kcheo cthor otol cthol chol shol dain qotor cho chody daiin shol ctheey dar chy daiidy dcheey chol shol chokaiin choeky dckhy dain dal qopor shol shot shol shol daiin dain s cheam sho kshey choty chdain chodaiin daiin pydaiin sheor shaiin tsh olchy sholy shotol shol chety daiin chokchy chkaiin qody cthochy otaiin shy ksher chor ain otchoty daiin chot sho ckhy cthy sos shol chol shoky okol sho chol shol chal shol chol chol shol chtaiin shos odan kchaiin chos ckhaiin choror chaiin pcho ctho sheey qocho taiin shols chol chor dain dshey tchey y kchey chtchy cphy dan dain otol daiin sho chotody chotol oky chol chol dlchcthy otoy qotchy chkchy sar dy odaiil ykchy okoldm chokeeor chey chetan s ary okol chetaiin okeokear cheo tchar sy saiin cthar dam chok sheo key keeeyd chckhesshy sodal saiin posheor sho char chekchey qokod sho cpheo rchy schor okchey chy shol olor cheaiin cthey tcheen d qoaiin qokeey kchol cheal oteold shey teaiind chotcheey chol ol chaiin oteeaiin chkchy taiiny sho chey teor shey checthey daiin chokeey daiin qoteey chy kchy cthy cthsees choly sarar aral chokey chol okey tshodpy oracphy koees ypsholy shy otoloaiin ydsh dyeees yty oky okchey qykchey dchy dy oair ekokeey kshotol otal daiin ototay kal ychor ykchey ykchy chody dam toy shysho qoteey chor cheeky sheey ytey daiin dshor ytchol chy o*cheekchy qotchy otchy dar qotes oqd shol qotshy oyty chom pshy opchey qopchy ofchey roiry shol os ykchy otchol oldchckhy qoky qotchy qokchy qokyd qokchor okchy qoto ykol choky choky chol dam ytsho qockhy okchody tsho qotshy cthol dchor otol shol tol qotshol otoldy yolkol cheol qokchain daly otchol daiin shol qoto rar tol okchor shcthy otol daiin cthy cthy yokalod shaiin shor shorody shky shoy tchy opchod opy oain shol cthy cphaiin ykchor otchy qoty ytcheor cthain tol dair qtaiin doly kchain otykeey otchol ytaiin dy oko tchaiin cthol dy cheol ololy tsheody cthaiin odaiin shol chey cthy ytoda ol dshor cthees lol keees ckhy chcthy lo lsho qokchy tchy cphaiin cthal kal okal chol chol choky okaiin cthy otal ychey teol chaiin chcthy ctho cthol lchor shor dairl pykydal shackhy oty shey qop char opchal ypchar ofchar shor cthy qoky qokol qokaiin chol chol ykaiin dar om qo chcthy kchol daiin qoaiin cthy chaiin ykeey cthom lory kaiin ykeol ykeol cham kolsho pchor kchey ty opchaldy otshy qokchy dol daiin otchar okchar daiin ytchody tcholol otar dal dary lchar qory kar dar tchol cthy qodaiin cthy dain cthey otydal daiin m doror chain dain ykolody ytaiin qotchol kol dy okaiin shar yky oky kair daldy dalor cheol dal l okaiin okcho laldan daldaiin korary chky kolchey fsholom shor ykchy dod opchaiin olald okol chor daiin cthy okchol chom okolor dy okchol s qokchy l or cheol qotol qotol chy ky cthod ykaryd okchy qockhy dain dail dair shy qotol choiin okchar dar oty shoto dol py otytam * saiin cphor qokey tod ytchdy dy dy chem tchtcho kchol dshy otyol ytchom ykcheor odal sho dy pchom otor oaiin ychor cthy chol qokom sy sa ykchom dshor otshy oky tsholol ytchord orchor ytchy daiin dcholdy pchair oly sheaiin shol daiin chdy chokchol chol choldy dair chadaiin dor chol chy chaiin ckhey chol dain okaiin qokcheo cthey chokain chol daiin kchdal dain ol shey chokolm folr chey so chol sholaiin shol shol chdy cholol schesy kchor cthaiin chol chol chol chor ckhey shokeey chy tchod choy sho chtchy pchar ctham qoko kor chaiin okal chol daiin okcho kchor sy shy otcho keey tor chey otchm tchol dain dam dsho cphy daiin daiiny pcheot cheor cholsho chopchy sal sary dcheey shy cphy otchey daindy chory dainy shol char oteol dor otchol chkchy daiin qotol sheey kol sho teechy qoty cthy dsholy shees chor ody shy sy sary chody cheor saiin dochod chol pchodaiin dair dcthy daiin cheotar chodaly sal qotcheey chety chol chol daiin chotchol tchey otcho tchy dy chol chody dar oteey cho chdychy key chyky dchy daiin chy chy chokeesy chy chy cheky chochy daiin dshy daiin chdlety chaiin dcheey otald chol cthchey pychol dy shor shol shtchy chor pchor opchor shor kchy qotor sho chotchy choshy qopchor qo dor daiin dsho dchor dchor daiin dor cheo raiin ksho qodain chotshy dodar chor sheor chey teey qotan olor shshes sheoty chol daiin qokeor cheey qokchy qotody chotchor chy cheet qolsor oykeeey chey kshey choroiin sho r choiin shor shorshy chotcheol dchol podaiin cheo kcho daiin chcthy shd choly tcheol daiin cthodd sho shoqoky shor sheor otol daiin ochol chol chody dchodaiin daiin qocho cheey dchey qotchody olol olchey chey kchy qotchol chosory sheor cheol od cho dcheeey qotcho tchy dcheo r cheey teol chey chokchol chokan qotcho chodr cho choshy chs oriin odchy chor ety shol tcholdchy qotchy opchear ypchedy dcheodaiin ckheody ckhody chody ydchodyckhey oty ckheadar qoky daiin cthis okol cheody ckhy cheeey tcheody qodaiin okeey qockhey taiin ychodaiin chokaiin ykcho daiin ykald ychosar chckhy kcho qokchy qotal oshol odaiin ckhey ckheody qokey otydy tol daiin daim qchodal dal qody qoetam ykchol dar shey qokeol kchey shol okam tchodaiin cpheady qokol otodaiin kal otam yoas ckheey kol cheeal okeor qockhey pchodal oaiin ckhol ykeeol otchey cpheo daiin ykeoldy daincthy qodaiin kaiindal cphodal ral dam qokol cheor ckhal sor aldy otal poshody qokodar seodaiin qotal dscheey saiin dy dshody ckhody qokol dy kaiin chy qokey daiin cthy tchody cthy chckhey qod ytchody dchol saiin ytam otaiin qodal ytal cheodar sody oteodaiin shakom todaiin ytady qokol shodol qockhy ykol otaiin dary okar ctheody qocphy qokal qotaiin otykal chol daiin qotol chodaiin qokcheody cho r chod ycthol solcheety olkeeody qokal qodaiin ckhor cfhl daiin ckhol shain tcholol ykeol sheo qokody fold ycheoky sheey ykeey chey ochockhy daiin chockhey daiin cheol cheodain tdokchcfhy ycphko ytair shar qofy daiin ypchy otchol dar yty oty shor ytol dy qoky koldal oteees dals otardl tchot shey qoty okchol tchody qotam oky ytoldy lshopchy qoky qotchy oty dar oty dam ychcthod oky chor okchal okchar shor tol ykair ytchdam daiin shedaiin qodal dy chokam otchordy okchol do qokshy qockhom dals shodaim tcham dody ykeey daim al orcheey dor sheykom s cheey dchom daiin pchor chcphol cphaiin otcheor ytor kol chocphor ytchey chol ctho daiir shy kor esechor chy dam oorchor chochar ls chteeor ytol sheol otam tchor ctheor ctheol cheeor cheol chckheey sady yteey cthor cheor cpheodar dy sarm qotodaiin cthor oty kcholy pcheol sholoiin ctho raiin kodaiin cthy qokeey sol daiin ckheol chol qokeyl daiin yokeey qokody chol sol saiin daiin shor qodaiin ckhey sal qoekar ckhol ykchody ckhy ykar okaiin ckheeey daiim odar cheokor ckheey kadam chocthody oty dol dain scho she oty shoar chokan ody ytchodaiin yky otchey okod oksh otol cfhy cphodol ykody qokchod otcho qot oty ykeodar oqoor ockh odor chain qokod ykchdy chees dal sodar otos qoy tchy otey chos okod ykchody qokchy qotchol dar qoty chtor oltsho ctho ykeeod oytoyd otol chol ctheees os orol chod qoty tshor shey qodckhy cpho oltshey daiin qopchy okeey daiin sheekol shom shol etey dcham dy ydaiin cpham chol dockhy cthol dam oty qokol daiin qockhor okchor daiin daiin d ysheey ckhol chckhey daiin ctheody ydy ochoiky dshey chol qkcheody choldam todaiin shodaiin qotea dchy qotod odaiin sheee kshady tsheody sheody sheetchy opod octheody shody qodal cthody shear shodaiin ychocthy qodal shodaiin otsho or chear sheos chkodal ycheey kchy oky kady adam ycthadaiin otaldy podaiin shodal qopchol cpheady opcheol chocphy ytodaiin otchey otchey qockho dal sockhody sar daiin cthody otol okchody ol s or y ytchey dam tor ockhol shokchy kol chom s chey ctheotal sar sh okeodaiin chokey korari ckhos shofam cher cham kcheor she yckheol dar dor s sheey ksheody sho or cheey chety sol d*sh dam dam toshey kodl ckho dar sheekal saiin okeam etchal oaiin or ol sal qokor chor ckhol s ssho chol daiin tor ol dol or chol chol ckhol okol oky ytchor ol kaldy daiin okar or ol ckhol chor chom dam or sho chol dam yor shodal o aiin al dal chok air oldam pcheodar chpal olaiin ckhey dar qokey cpheeaiin sal dchaiin cpheiin s ar chor cheor qodaiin ctha*ldy ypchal yar ykar oky cham chody ykol dam cheol aim dar chor cheky chol okaiin chody chordy o*aiin ytaiin qodaim qokar chy s am tol cheol shocthy qodaiin kchody daiin sheody qoctheol s aiin qotchy daiin odaim qokaiin yteal okal om ydaiin qockhey qodal ytam okaldy tol ckhaiin chckhy qokal dal qocthy oaiin qockhy qokam tol chol cthol s ychol okal yckhey tar cthey tam aldam or alchy ytal dalchodoldy daiin chol oldaiin o*chal chchsy oty esedy chy ycho cphy chor chy chy chokchey chal choly kar chy chy key choty sho kaiin olchey chokchol chey keey qokeey chokeey choksy qotchor chor chokor chkar chy okar chdy chochor cho chodaly daiin ykcha dy dchey keey daiin y sho kchol otchor choky dal schol choy choky cheeckhody tchoky kchol shol chotchey tchol ytchor otchy choky tchey rokak shy kcheey daiin cthol chor chokor shcho kchey qokokchy okchy chokcheo kchal schol chotol qotchy tcho tchol chol cthy qotchy chody cthor chey kcharm chokeey qoke eeey schey daiin dy sho chokchy kchoar sotodan otchey keol daiin kcheat shol chey qokoiin shor qotchol choror shod shey qoteeey qoteey daiin qoteey cthar ochey chol chol qotchey daiin choteeey dal schy tchey daiin deey ta d daiin qoteees sho kcheey saiin chokchol chor ckhos kcho chy ckheol chol chol oteeyd ykchor chokchy qokcho tcheey kal shotchot chokcho kcho kaiin oky olkchy ksho shy ytol chotor ydy chotchey keeol chey kchol tchain qokchey ctheey lkeey kchey taiin ykor aiin chorol sho shol daiin chol cheo kchol chol choky chotor otchol chol chol daiin chotaiin sokchol chol chol daiin poal shsal shocphor ypcho cpheo saiin oteodal saiin dchee ckhos chety cthodal yteodam cphecthy syty tchos oteedy ykeey ctheody keos shee kchey saindy soraiin qockhos cheodor ckheokey chcthody s odas daiin ctheey ckheckhy cthody chor sal dar chor tos she keodaiin pcheos sheo so shkeody soraiin yteeodal cho keeady shy kol sals chekal sol sheor ysaiin chor cheory kchody sor sho cthey oteody dchol saraiin sho cthos cheodal ctheody qoty psheodshy dal shee saldal shol aldy ysheees chetchy teodar otsheol tockhy keor ckheey shody qoeeety schody daiin daiin shol cthey okeol cheor okeeo daiim shos cheol cheos ckhey saiin qockheol daiin pcheey daiin cphodar shody dcheody todor ochepchody oldar schey ctheey qocthsy s dcheoky scthy ycheockhy okey cthy yteeor cthos dcheecthey cthosy ykeeor oty ycheey keeo sal ckhy eoiin scheom dcheos shey solchyd oteos cthey qotechoep cheos cthey qokeod qokeom shoeey cthey qo cthodol yteodaiin sheol techol qoshcheody otol opcheey cthey cpheckhy cheor chepcheol kchor ol cheeol qok odal lseeey keodam ytchea qy chos ckhor cheay scheol sal daiin ksheol qoar cfhs ykaiin saral aiim am san any keol dair old ain atolm yksho qos arol or ar al daraiinm saiin olcthr poleeol qokeol qokeod chody cthom yshol tor sheor qotchor qoky darala dair shkeeo s rary okar ykarshy lkaldy tolchor chodaiin chocfhor qokchor chockhy okchod qofchol ytor ckhy lpychol sho ol okachey s sheom keol dchy dasady tol otchal chorydar qokeos okeoschso chol ytod qokeor dolshy dal chos qocthy qokcho shko qokol oteey chofy ykeody qokod kor sheol qodar oko ykeey qokeey qodar qokad s choky ykodar qoekchy shokol okam to*alchs shokol sheo qo*keey soeeol qoteody saiin ckheo saiin qockhey s ykeeody s cheey chor ckhs dsheeor qokeod qokeo chol ol okal saiin ctheo s ar al s ain cheo ro sokeey qokeeos al aral iiirys ychor ckhor qoeeor okaiin dom olcheo sodaiin daiin qokor ookoiin daiin cthdacthy qocfhey opolraiin opchedol r* shere shodaiin sheor podch*y ctheod ckheeos cheey ykeey s o* qokeeor s ain sam saiin sheom sheey keeos ol cheeor chy shy tchody okeeom tchos oteey saiin okeeey tcheody cpheal qoar cheol chos olols dshcheal sheol qodar sal sheol shey qokeey qokeol cheody s ykeeol dar chody y cheys sheeyl sheol sheody tol sheocthy oteey chodar choy teeos qkeody qokchy oteeol daiin pcheor chodar oleees chepy chol shckhe** otolshey cheor cheokeey tshor olsheod qodaiin qokeeor sy or aiin ykeeol octheody ctheey daiin sheody ckheos qockhy chol ol sals sol yteey or cheeytey kos sheor chockhor qkeody cheody dy s olchey cthey qoky dcheey keey keeey cthey yty okeeod sa olcheey she qiiirkeys shctheo r or sheol ol kaiin ksheodal sheody qocheoty shokol qokeshs yteody todacthey daiin okeeey cheo qotecheor cthodaim s cheol chol okeam sheor ol qokeeoky okeeol okeeodaiin ytol s or ar** aiin ykeeor cheos qkeey cheos oteol okeeeod oeey keeos aiiin deeocthey keeeol sheol shtsheol daiin kodshol otol sheeos octhodaly opalcfom ocphoksheey qotodain s oar ycham s chol chotom cthodar sheo s oteadal s ofchoshy cthoshol dsho dal dalody ytchchy dam chody dalol s chodchy qotchd sol shotol qokchodal shody chotol s otol ykchdm ol chody ckhol dol qokol otodar chodain tar otar s sho s chol sheoees shor shol ody cheodaiin s lor sheeody chodaiin s odar shodam okcheody cth** ckhol ychos chey keol ch*** ckhody ckhol oteol s odal cheeol s al qokor shey oksheor ch**dom shodaiin qotchy kchol s ychey ckhos otch*or ch* ochol shodal dol cheodam choshy qokor chckhs tcheol chol checthody olkees shodaiin shody tchor shol s sheoky ychockhy cthol os os dol shol daiin shcthy kchor cthy chokal daiin oain okor shody teol s ychocthy chotey teey s yraiin chotar shody ocheodaiin tshos sor qokor cheo los ckheody ychor odol chodaiin s dain ckcho ctho cthos m shodaiin qokcho cthol ol chol cthol olchod dol chokal schos porsheody qoteeo qosho cphy opchody opor opchy otchdal or shodaiin yteeody qotody qotchol qocthody ytey oky daiin dar cthom dchos chody qockhol oky cheodaiin oty daiin otal dair akal sol shol shdchy qokchol qokchody chol chol cthy ykchy dar tshoky cthody qotchol ckhol dchom s olo oteos chodaiindy ytchol ckhol qochocthy ctha chkeey cthodys dar she qokam oees ckheody ockheey koldy tchodaiin ctheos shodaiin qokeeam dcho chody teol sheol cheeol dair okchey cthey dsheom okeey dama odeeeodl cheodar oksho chody okchey cthol oly ytchol sar dar ychol chs ckhy scheeol tor cheeor ckheos olsheeo sol cpheol cpheor chodar ytol oteear sheol oteey qokeody qokeeody cthey toaiin ctheodol chos ckheody keody chodol oty or chor chkchol chokchor s or sheockhy choly daiin chodaiin cthey tol sheor qokeol okol lor ckhchy chol cholody cheol ctheor s or oiir or ckhor chkey ckho cthy or chockhy ykeor shcheeol sheol qokchey chol daiin todar sheo cthody shokocfhy chopcho dory otcho dol shocthody shockhy otchodar chocthy teol cheody shodol qokchod s aiin chokey dcheor cheol cheodain ol dy d chs ar cheody oteeo dsho qotchos psheas sheeor qoepsheody odar ocpheo opar ysar aso* ytear yteor olcheey dteodaiin saro qoches ycheom dcheoteos cpheos sar chcthosy cth ytch*y daiin dsheos sheey teo cthy ctheodody tockhy cthey ckheeody ar chey key yteeody teodar alchey sy sheodal chor ary cthol ycheey ckheal daiins oeol ckheor cheor aiin ctheor oral char ckhey sar os checkhey socth sosar cheekeo daiin soy sar cheor