#! /n/gnu/bin/gawk -f # Last edited on 1998-07-12 05:00:44 by stolfi BEGIN { usage = ( "compute-cond-tuple-info \\\n" \ " -v order=ORDER \\\n" \ " -v place=PLACE \\\n" \ " -v alphabetSize=NUM \\\n" \ " < COUNTFILE > INFOTBL" \ ); # The file COUNTFILE must have entries COUNT WORD where COUNTS # is a positive occurrence count for the string WORD in some text. # The length of all WORDs must be ORDER. # # Computes the conditional information content for the PLACEth # character of each WORD in COUNTFILE, assuming the rest of WORD is # known. Outputs entries INFO WORD for each input WORD. # # The "alphabetSize" value is used in probability estimation. # The input should not have more than that number of distinct # letters in the PLACEth position. abort = -1; if (order == "") { error("should define \"order\""); } if ((order < 1) || (order > 20)) { error("funny \"order\""); } if (place == "") { error("should define \"place\""); } if ((place < 1) || (place > order)) { error("funny \"place\""); } if (alphabetSize == "") { error("should define \"alphabetSize\""); } if ((alphabetSize < 1) || (alphabetSize > 168)) { error("funny \"alphabetSize\""); } split("", full_count); split("", part_count); split("", letter_count); n_letters = 0; tuple_count = 0; n_tuples = 0; } // { if (abort >= 0) { exit(abort); } if (NF != 2) { error(("line " NR ": format error")); } c = $1; w = $2; if (length(w) != order) { error(("line " NR ": wrong word length")); } full_count[w] += c; p = (substr(w,1,place-1) substr(w,place+1,order-place)); part_count[p] += c; a = substr(w,place,1); if(! (a in letter_count)) { n_letters ++; } letter_count[a] += c; tuple_count += c; n_tuples ++; } END { if (abort >= 0) { exit(abort); } if (n_letters > alphabetSize) { error(("true alphabet size = " n_letters)); } scale = -1/log(2.0); for(w in full_count) { p = (substr(w,1,place-1) substr(w,place+1,order-place)); a = substr(w,place,1); cf = full_count[w]; cp = part_count[p]; # Assumes that, "a priori", all letters are equally likely: fr = (cf + 1)/(cp + alphabetSize); printf "%7.3f %s\n", scale*log(fr), w; } } function error(msg) { printf "%s\n", msg >> "/dev/stderr"; abort = 1; exit 0; }