#! /bin/csh -f # Last edited on 2000-07-10 08:46:30 by stolfi set usage = "$0 [-v VAR=VALUE]... PAGES" # Colorizes the specified pages and writes them to # files pages-html/${fnum}.html set vars = ( ) while ( ( $#argv > 0 ) && ( "x$1" =~ x-* ) ) if ( ( $#argv >= 2 ) && ( "x$1" == "x-v" ) ) then set vars = ( ${vars} "$1" "$2" ); shift; shift else echo "usage: ${usage}"; exit 1 endif end set user = "${USER}" set date = "`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`" set hdir = "pages-html" set cdir = "pages-clr" set ddir = "pages-clr" set edir = "pages-evt" set ndir = "pages-pwct" set prevs = ( "f0" $* ) set fnums = ( $* ) set nexts = ( $* f999 ); set nexts = ( ${nexts[2-]} ) foreach fnum ( ${fnums} ) echo ${fnum} set pfnum = "${prevs[1]}"; set prevs = ( ${prevs[2-]} ) set nfnum = "${nexts[1]}"; set nexts = ( ${nexts[2-]} ) set hfile = "${hdir}/${fnum}.html" set cfile = "${cdir}/${fnum}.clr" set dfile = "${ddir}/${fnum}.spw" set efile = "${edir}/${fnum}.evt" cat page-header.html \ | replace-html-vars \ ${vars} \ -v fnum="${fnum}" -v user="${user}" -v date="${date}" \ > ${hfile} # Navigation menu if ( ${pfnum} != "f0" ) then echo 'Prev' >> ${hfile} endif echo 'Index' >> ${hfile} if ( ${nfnum} != "f999" ) then echo 'Next' >> ${hfile} endif # Text echo "
" >> ${hfile}
  cat ${efile} \
    | colorize-text -f eva2erg.gawk \
        -v colorTable="${cfile}" \
        ${vars} \
    >> ${hfile}
  echo "
" >> ${hfile} # Special word list echo "

Special words

" >> ${hfile} echo "
" >> ${hfile}
  cat ${dfile} \
    | sort -b +2 -3gr \
    | gawk \
        ${vars} \
        ' BEGIN { \
            printf "%*s%-16s count totct strangss words\n", indent, "", "pattern"; \
            printf "%*s%-16s ----- ----- -------- -----\n", indent, "", "---------------"; \
          } \
          /./{ \
            pgCt=$1; scCt=$2; strang=$3; color=$4; fnum=$5; knum=$6; pat=$7; wds=$8; \
            printf "%*s%-16s %5d %5d %8.4f %s\n", \
              indent, "", color, ( pat "~"), pgCt, scCt, strang, wds; \
          } \
          END { \
          } \
        ' \
    >> ${hfile}

  # Count words
  cat ${ndir}/${fnum}.pwct \
    | gawk \
        ${vars} \
        ' /./{ s += $1; } \
          END{ \
            printf "\n%*sTotal tokens in page = %d\n", indent, "", s+0; \
          } \
        ' \
    >> ${hfile}

  echo "
" >> ${hfile} # Close off page cat page-trailer.html \ | replace-html-vars \ ${vars} -vfnum="${fnum}" -v user="${user}" -v date="${date}" \ >> ${hfile} end