## {} # left column of letters # Last edited on 2004-07-16 05:51:34 by stolfi # # "U" transcription by J.Stolfi from unidentified scans. # # This unit is a column of single Voynichese "letters" along the left # margin of the paragraphed text. Line N of this unit is aligned with # line N of the text. # # To the left of "letters" 2--6 there are Western digits 1--5, penned # in an old hand similar to that of Voynichese letters. # # Weirdos: # # &140 - right half of "o" # &163 - ditto # &192 - with almost horizontal stem # f= f= f= # {1-}o= {1-}o= {1-}o= # {2-}r= {2-}s= {2-}r= # {3-}y= {3-}y= {3-}y= # {4-}e!!!!!!!= {4-}*!!!!!!!= {4-}e{small}= # {5-}*{&140}!!!!!!!!!= {5-}*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!= {5-}*{&140}{or &163}= # k!!!!!!!= k!!!!!!!= k{short}= # s= r= s= s= # p= p= p= # o= o= o= # *{&192}= *!!!!!!= r{&192}= # y= y= y= # e= *= e= # *{&140}= *!!!!!!= *{&140}= # *{&164}= s!!!!!!= s!!!!!!= # p= p= p= # o= o= o= # *{&192}= r!!!!!!= r{&192}= # y= y= y= # e!!!!!!!= *!!!!!!!= e{small}= # *{&140}= *!!!!!!= *{&140}= # d= d= d= # y= y= y= # s!!!!!!!= *!!!!!!!= e{small}= # k= k= k= # y= y= y= #