Generated by stolfi on 1998-03-29 07:22:36 (EST)

Page f5v

Part f5v.P1

Original [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Locally normalized [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Rank filtered [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]

 1  kocheor char{shor?} ytchey pshod chols chodaiin ytoiiin daiin -
 2  dchol sy chol otaiin dain cthor chotr ychopor dm -
 3  qotcho{qotchy?} ytor daiin daiin otchor daiin qo darchor do{dy?} -
 4  qotor shees otol ykoiin shol daiin cthor okchy taiin -
 5  shokeeol chor cheotol otchol daiin dal chol chotaiin -
 6  otol chol dairodm{dairody?} =

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