Generated by stolfi on 1998-05-05 04:19:27 (EST)

Page f24v

Part f24v.P1

Original [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Locally normalized [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Rank filtered [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]

 1  tchodar chocfhey opam shod chcphy opshody ocphoraiin oko&146;am -
 2  ydals ckhor shy cho dchor otol otaiir otchos okchom okcho -
 3  octhol odchees osearees okam chcth{plant} -
 4  ydal{ydol?} sh okol okaiin odaiin dlor{plant} -
 5  olor{oeor?} oraiin tchar oro{plant} =

Part f24v.P2

Original [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Locally normalized [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Rank filtered [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]

 6  tochol chor cfharar s{above line}{plant} -
 7  ycheol daid dar olom -
 8  kochky chcthy shol sain{plant} -
 9  ychol chol or chorom -
10  okoeor{okeeor?} ctheod choy keol{plant} -
11  ydaiin cheor qodom okodaiin =

Part f24v.P3

Original [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Locally normalized [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Rank filtered [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]

12  ksho foar cto sho qokch ok okchal -
13  oeeey cheol chol odor sho do otolodal{plant} -
14  doiir cheeodam sho sho dy{plant} -
15  dchey kchod dchal ochdy{plant}
16  otchol odaiim =

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