Generated by stolfi on 1998-03-29 07:23:20 (EST)

Page f23v

Part f23v.P1

Original [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Locally normalized [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Rank filtered [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]

 1  podairol odaiiily sho al dy opchol otol ol chcphy qotchar s -
 2  qo&167;eotor chy okchaldy qokchey dol - otchol chal otchg -
 3  ycho okaiin okeol eees ol daiin okeeor - daiin qotchol g{d?} -
 4  okchey dair sholol oldal - okchor dar -
 5  dor chear shor dol oaldary =

Part f23v.P2

Original [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Locally normalized [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Rank filtered [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]

 6  tshol shor shkshy okol daiin - otshor olsar -
 7  otor oiin sho shol qokol daiin - sol daiin yly{ylg?} -
 8  qokaiin dain qokor okal g dam - chor olol dam -
 9  otshy dal dar oldar ar or - qoto l chees g -
10  dor chy kshol chol cthol - otol oloiir -
11  yokaiin doroiin olols oiin - ol cheen ols -
12  ol aiior oloro eeeoly =

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