Generated by stolfi on 1998-05-05 03:46:23 (EST)

Page f10v

Part f10v.P1

Original [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Locally normalized [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Rank filtered [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]

 1  paiin daiin sheo pcheey qoty daiin cthor oty dy sain -
 2  dain daiin ckhy chcthor choiin qotchodaiin cthy daiin -
 3  dsho ytey kchol olty chol dy =

Part f10v.P2

Original [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Locally normalized [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]
Rank filtered [JPEG] [PGM/gzip]

 4  qotchytor shoiin daiin qotchey shcthey ytor dain -
 5  sho ykeey daiin qotchy qotor chol daiin qokchyky -
 6  shoiin chor shcthy qoty qotoiin qokol choraiin -
 7  qokol chyky chol cheky daiin dain chckhan =
# Some faint mirror-image writing is visible below this text,
# due to ink bleeding through the vellum from f10r:
#       *** chol.da***
#       *** chodaiin ***
#        ***t***

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