Last edited on 1997-12-10 14:12:07 by stolfi

Voynich Manuscript

Occurrences of word and phrases by block

All non-unique patterns

This map shows the number of occurrences of certain words and phrases in each block of text. It lists all words (and all phrases up to 15 EVA characters long) whose patterns occur at least twice in the whole sample text. Further explanations can be found in the introduction page.

Due to its large size (5 MB total), this map has been split into sections according to the first letter of the word pattern:

You can also get the whole map as a single HTML file (5036 KB), compressed with GZIP or PKZIP (414 KB).

Alternatively, you can get the same data as an unformatted ASCII file (4138 KB), compressed with GZIP or PKZIP (407 KB).