// Trabalho de laboratorio numero 3 // Remoplano // MP004 -1s/2001 // Aluna: Simone da Silva Amorim background{ color rgb < 0.00, 0.95, 0.00 > } light_source { < 8.00, 2.00, 4.00 > color rgb < 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > } camera { location < 8.00, 2.00, 2.00 > right < -1.20, 0.00, 0.00 > up < 0.00, 0.00, 0.90 > sky < 0.00, 0.00, 1.00 > look_at < 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 > } #declare corpo= blob { threshold .65 cylinder { <2,0,0>, <-2,0,0>, 1,2 pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>}} // cylinder { <-2,0,0>, <-2,0,1.5>, 0.4 ,2 pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>}} cylinder { <2.5,0,0>, <2.7,0,0>, 0.3 ,2 pigment {color rgb <0,0,1>}} } #declare calda= union{ cone { <-2, 0, 0>, 0.35 // Center and radius of one end <-2, 0, 1.5>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } cone { <-1.8, 0, 0>, 0.35 // Center and radius of one end <-1.9, 0, 1.5>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } } #declare asa1= union{ cone { <0, 0, 0>, 0.4 // Center and radius of one end <0, 3, 0>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } cone { <0.4, 0, 0>, 0.4 // Center and radius of one end <0.2, 3, 0>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } cone { <0.2, 0, 0>, 0.4 // Center and radius of one end <0.1, 3, 0>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } cone { <-0.2, 0, 0>, 0.4 // Center and radius of one end <-0.1, 3, 0>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } cone { <-0.4, 0, 0>, 0.4 // Center and radius of one end <-0.2, 3, 0>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } } #declare asa2= union{ cone { <0, 0, 0>, 0.4 // Center and radius of one end <0, -3, 0>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } cone { <0.4, 0, 0>, 0.4 // Center and radius of one end <0.2, -3, 0>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } cone { <0.2, 0, 0>, 0.4 // Center and radius of one end <0.1, -3, 0>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } cone { <-0.2, 0, 0>, 0.4 // Center and radius of one end <-0.1, -3, 0>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } cone { <-0.4, 0, 0>, 0.4 // Center and radius of one end <-0.2, -3, 0>, 0.1 // Center and radius of other end pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>} } } #declare remo1 = blob { threshold .65 cylinder { <1.5,0.5,0>,<1.5,1.7,-1>, 0.15,2 pigment {color rgb <1,0,0>}} sphere { <1.5,1.7,-1>, 0.5 ,1 pigment {color rgb <1,0,0> } } } #declare remo2 = blob { threshold .65 cylinder { <1.5,-0.5,0>,<1.5,-1.7,-1>, 0.15,2 pigment {color rgb <1,0,0>}} sphere { <1.5,-1.7,-1>, 0.5 ,1 pigment {color rgb <1,0,0> } } } #declare janela = union{ sphere { <1.9,0.5,0.2>, 0.2 pigment {color rgb <0,0,1> } } sphere { <1.0,0.5,0.2>, 0.2 pigment {color rgb <0,0,1> } } sphere { <-1.0,0.5,0.2>, 0.2 pigment {color rgb <0,0,1> } } sphere { <1.9,-0.5,0.2>, 0.2 pigment {color rgb <0,0,1> } } sphere { <1.0,-0.5,0.2>, 0.2 pigment {color rgb <0,0,1> } } sphere { <-1.0,-0.5,0.2>, 0.2 pigment {color rgb <0,0,1> } } } // Aqui está a cena, finalmente: #declare remoplano = union { object { corpo } object {asa2} object {asa1} object { remo1} object { remo2} object { janela} object { calda} } object {remoplano rotate -10*z }