#include "colors.inc" background{ color rgb<0,0,0> } // ====================================================================== // FONTES DE LUZ light_source { < +50.0, +30.0, +50.0 > // Posição da lâmpada. color rgb 1.2 * < 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > // Intensidade e corda luz. } light_source { 10 * < +50.0, -10.0, +10.0 > // Posição da lâmpada. color rgb 0.8 * < 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > // Intensidade e corda luz. } light_source { < +20.0, -10.0, -1.0 > // Posição da lâmpada. color rgb 0.8 * < 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > // Intensidade e corda luz. } // ====================================================================== camera { location < 20.00, -10*clock, 0.00 > right < -0.60, 0.00, 0.00 > up < 0.00, 0.00, 0.80 > sky < 0.00, 0.00, 1.00 > look_at < 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 > } //eixos #declare eixox = cylinder { < -5.00, 0.00, 0.00 >, < 5.00, 0.00, 0.00 >, 0.05 pigment { color Black } } #declare eixoy = cylinder { < 00, -5.00, 0.00 >, < 00, 5.00, 0.00 >, 0.05 pigment { color Black } } #declare eixoz = cylinder { < 0.0, 00, -5.00 >, < 0.0, 00, 5.00 >, 0.05 pigment { color Black } } #declare a=(clock)/(0.5); #declare b=(clock)/(0.4); #declare w=(clock-0.4)/(0.6-0.4);//w variando de 0 a 1 em 0.6-0.4 #declare i=(clock-0.6)/(1-0.6); #if(clock<=0.4) #declare r=(1-b)*(-10); #declare rc=0; #else #if(clock<0.6) #declare r=0; #declare rc=0; #else #declare r=i*9.5; #declare rc=r; #end #end #if(clock<=0.4) #declare c=0; #else #declare c=0.1; #end #if(clock<=0.4) #declare g=0; #else #if(clock>0.6) #declare g=1; #else #declare g=w; #end #end #if(clock<0.5) #declare k=(1-a)*(-10)+a*(-3.5); //k variando e -10 a -3.5 #else #if(clock<0.6) #declare k=-3.5; #else #declare k=-3.5+r; #end #end #declare zero = torus { 0.5,0.1 texture{pigment {checker color Red color Yellow}} rotate z*90 rotate (rc/0.6)*x*(-180/3.14) translate <0,0,0.3> translate <0,r,0> } #declare ponte = cylinder { <0,0,0> <0,0,1> c texture{pigment {color Red}} rotate g*90*x translate <0,0,0.2> translate <0,rc,0> } #declare fome = text{ ttf "arial.ttf" "FOME" 0.15,0 rotate x*90 rotate z*90 translate <0,k,0> texture{pigment {color Red}} } #declare mensagem = text{ ttf "arial.ttf" "De Rubinho a Senna" 0.15,0 rotate x*90 rotate z*90 translate <0,-6,5> texture{pigment {color rgb<1*clock,1*clock,1*clock>}} } #declare mensagem2 = text{ ttf "arial.ttf" "Em 4 anos" 0.15,0 rotate x*90 rotate z*90 translate <0,0,-3> texture{pigment {color clock*White}} } #declare mensagem3 = text{ ttf "arial.ttf" "SEM FOME" 0.15,0 rotate x*90 rotate z*90 translate <0,-20*(1-clock)+clock*(-4),0> texture{pigment {color clock*White}} } #declare coluna = prism { linear_sweep linear_spline 0, // sweep the following shape from here ... 4, // ... up through here 9, // the number of points making up the shape ... <-1,2>,<1,2>,<2,1>,<2,-1>,<1,-2>,<-1,-2>,<-2,-1>,<-2,1>,<-1,2> texture{pigment {checker color Red color Yellow} } scale <0.3,1,0.3> rotate 90*x rotate 720*2*clock*z } #declare r=11.5; #declare teto= difference{ lathe { linear_spline 9, ,,,,,,,, texture{pigment {checker color Red color Yellow} } //texture{pigment {checker color (1-clock)*Red+clock*Yellow color (1-clock)*Yellow+clock*Red} } scale <0.3,0.3,0.3> } box { <10,10,0> , <-50,-50,-50> texture{pigment {checker color (1-clock)*Red+clock*Yellow color (1-clock)*Yellow+clock*Red} } } } #declare portao= union{ object{coluna translate<4,4,0> } object{coluna translate<-4,4,0> } object{teto translate<0,3.5,4>} } // Aqui está a cena, finalmente: union { //object{eixox} //object{eixoy} //object{eixoz} object{fome} object{zero} object{ponte} object{mensagem} object{mensagem2} object{mensagem3} object{portao} }