// Amandio Sena // RA 007998 // // Trabalho 11 de MC930 // Sardinha // #include "textures.inc" #include "colors.inc" // The include files contain #include "stones.inc" // pre-defined scene elements #include "metals.inc" #include "woods.inc" #include "finish.inc" background{ color rgb < 0.00, 0.03, 0.15 > } light_source { < 0, 2.00, 4.00 > color rgb < 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > } light_source { < 0, 2.00, -3.00 > color rgb < 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > } light_source { < 0, 3.00, -7.00 > color rgb < 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > } light_source { < 5, 3.00, -7.00 > color rgb < 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > } light_source { < -3, 3.00, -0.00 > color rgb < 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > } camera { location < 4, 1, -5> sky < 0.00, 1.00, 0.00 > up <0,1,0> right <1,0,0> look_at <0, 1, 0> } #declare cor_cristal = < 0.10, 0.80, 1.00 >; #declare tx_cristal = texture { finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.1 reflection 0.05 specular 1 roughness 0.001 } pigment { color cor_cristal filter 1 } } #declare cor_espelho = < 0.97, 0.97, 0.97 >; #declare tinta_A = texture{ pigment{ rgb cor_espelho } finish{ ambient 0.05 diffuse 0.05 reflection 0.05 specular 0.02 roughness 0.05 } } #declare tinta_C = //madeira texture { pigment { DMFWood4 // pre-defined in textures.inc scale 4 // scale by the same amount in all // directions } finish { Shiny } // pre-defined in finish.inc } #declare plano = plane { <0, 1, 0>, -1 pigment { checker color Red, color Blue } } #declare marcas = cylinder { <0,-10,0>, <0,10,0>, .04 pigment { Green } } #declare a11=<0,.5,0>; #declare a12=<.3,.55,.1>; #declare a13=<.3,.57,.1>; #declare a14=<0,.6,0>; #declare a21=<0,.1,.5>; #declare a22=<.5,.5,.5>; #declare a23=<.5,.8,.5>; #declare a24=<0,1,.5>; #declare a31=<0,0,1>; #declare a32=<.8,.5,1>; #declare a33=<.7,.9,1>; #declare a34=<0,1.2,1>; #declare a41=<0,.2,1.5>; #declare a42=<1,.6,1.5>; #declare a43=<.9,.9,1.5>; #declare a44=<0,1.1,1.5>; #declare b11=a41; #declare b12=a42; #declare b13=a43; #declare b14=a44; #declare b21=<0,.4,2>; #declare b22=<1.2,.7,2>; #declare b23=<1.1,.9,2>; #declare b24=<0,1,2>; #declare b31=<0,.3,2.5>; #declare b32=<.8,.6,2.5>; #declare b33=<.7,.7,2.5>; #declare b34=<0,.8,2.5>; #declare b41=<0,.2,3>; #declare b42=<0.1,.5,3>; #declare b43=<0.1,.6,3>; #declare b44=<0,.7,3>; #declare c11=b41; #declare c12=b42; #declare c13=b43; #declare c14=b44; #declare c21=<0,.1,3.5>; #declare c22=<-.5,.4,3.5>; #declare c23=<-.5,.5,3.5>; #declare c24=<0,.6,3.5>; #declare c31=<0,-2,4.2>; #declare c32=<.1,-1,4.5>; #declare c33=<.4,0,4.4>; #declare c34=<0,1,4.2>; #declare c41=<0,-3,5.2>; #declare c42=<.3,-1.5,5.7>; #declare c43=<.7,0,5.5>; #declare c44=<0,1.5,5.2>; // PONTOS #declare pontoa11=sphere { a11, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa12=sphere { a12, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa13=sphere { a13, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa14=sphere { a14, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa21=sphere { a21, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa22=sphere { a22, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa23=sphere { a23, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa24=sphere { a24, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa31=sphere { a31, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa32=sphere { a32, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa33=sphere { a33, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa34=sphere { a34, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa41=sphere { a41, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa42=sphere { a42, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa43=sphere { a43, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontoa44=sphere { a44, .05 texture{pigment{Green}} } #declare pontob21=sphere { b21, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontob22=sphere { b22, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontob23=sphere { b23, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontob24=sphere { b24, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontob31=sphere { b31, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontob32=sphere { b32, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontob33=sphere { b33, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontob34=sphere { b34, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontob41=sphere { b41, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontob42=sphere { b42, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontob43=sphere { b43, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontob44=sphere { b44, .05 texture{pigment{Red}} } #declare pontoc21=sphere { c21, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } #declare pontoc22=sphere { c22, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } #declare pontoc23=sphere { c23, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } #declare pontoc24=sphere { c24, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } #declare pontoc31=sphere { c31, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } #declare pontoc32=sphere { c32, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } #declare pontoc33=sphere { c33, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } #declare pontoc34=sphere { c34, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } #declare pontoc41=sphere { c41, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } #declare pontoc42=sphere { c42, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } #declare pontoc43=sphere { c43, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } #declare pontoc44=sphere { c44, .05 texture{pigment{Yellow}} } object { pontoa11 } object { pontoa12 } object { pontoa13 } object { pontoa14 } object { pontoa21 } object { pontoa22 } object { pontoa23 } object { pontoa24 } object { pontoa31 } object { pontoa32 } object { pontoa33 } object { pontoa34 } object { pontoa41 } object { pontoa42 } object { pontoa43 } object { pontoa44 } object { pontob21 } object { pontob22 } object { pontob23 } object { pontob24 } object { pontob31 } object { pontob32 } object { pontob33 } object { pontob34 } object { pontob41 } object { pontob42 } object { pontob43 } object { pontob44 } object { pontoc21 } object { pontoc22 } object { pontoc23 } object { pontoc24 } object { pontoc31 } object { pontoc32 } object { pontoc33 } object { pontoc34 } object { pontoc41 } object { pontoc42 } object { pontoc43 } object { pontoc44 } // RETALHOS #declare retalhoA = bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.000 u_steps 4 v_steps 4 a11,a12,a13,a14, a21,a22,a23,a24, a31,a32,a33,a34, a41,a42,a43,a44 texture { pigment{Blue} } no_shadow } #declare retalhoB = bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.000 u_steps 4 v_steps 4 b11,b12,b13,b14, b21,b22,b23,b24, b31,b32,b33,b34, b41,b42,b43,b44 texture { pigment{Blue} } no_shadow } #declare retalhoC = bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.000 u_steps 4 v_steps 4 c11,c12,c13,c14, c21,c22,c23,c24, c31,c32,c33,c34, c41,c42,c43,c44 texture { pigment{Blue} } no_shadow } union { // object { marcas } object { plano } object { retalhoA } object { retalhoB } object { retalhoA scale x*-1} object { retalhoB scale x*-1} object { retalhoC scale x*-1} }