// Trabalho 09 de MC930 // 20-05-2003 // Está na cara // // Amandio Sena // RA 007998 // #include "golds.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "colors.inc" #include "shapes.inc" #include "glass.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "woods.inc" background{White} camera { angle 20 location < 0, 3, -15> look_at <0, 0, 0> sky < 0.00, 1.00, 0.00 > right <1,0,0> up <0,1,0> } light_source { <5, 0, -10> color White } light_source { <-5, 10, -10> color White } blob { threshold .65 sphere { <1.2,-.2, 0.1>, .75, 1 } sphere { <-1.2,-.2, 0.1>, .75, 1 } // bochechas sphere { <-.65,.54,-.4>,.4, 1 } // olho esquerdo sphere { <.65,.54,-.4>,.4, 1 } // olho direito sphere { <0,.2,-.5>,.35, 1 scale <0,1.3,1.3>} // nariz sphere { <0,-.7,-.4>,.5, 1 scale x*2} // boca sphere { <0,0,1>,4, 1 }// pigment {Red} } //cabeça finish { phong 1 } scale y*1.2 pigment { image_map {png "ariadne.png"} translate <.46,.485,0> scale 6.4 rotate <38,10,0>} } plane { y, 0 pigment { checker color Red, color Green scale 10 } translate -10*y } #declare oculos = union { //torus torus { .45, .02 // major and minor radius rotate -90*x // so we can see it from the top translate <-.75,0.65,-.8> pigment { Green } } torus { .45, .02 // major and minor radius rotate -90*x // so we can see it from the top translate <.75,0.65,-.8> pigment { Green } } //alças cylinder { <0,0,-.7>, <0,0,1>, .04 rotate <0,-25,0> translate <-1.5,.65,0> pigment { Green } } cylinder { <0,0,-.7>, <0,0,1>, .04 rotate <0,25,0> translate <1.5,.65,0> pigment { Green } } //nariz cylinder { <-.3,0,0>, <.3,0,0>, .03 translate <0,.75,-.8> pigment { Green } } } object { oculos }