#include "colors.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "skies.inc" #include"woods.inc" camera { location <-6, 20, 20> look_at <0, 0, 0> } sky_sphere {S_Cloud2} box{ <-20,-8,-20>,<20,-7,20> texture{Jade}} light_source { <-10, 20,20 > color White } #declare corpo= union{ prism { linear_sweep linear_spline -1.5, // sweep the following shape from here ... 1.5, // ... up through here 9, // the number of points making up the shape ... <-3,0>,<3,0>,<5,2>,<5,4>,<3,6>,<-3,6>,<0,4>,<0,2>,<-3,0> texture { T_Wood7} } lathe { linear_spline 4, <0,0>,<1.5,0>,<3,3>,<6,5> pigment { P_Chrome4}finish {F_MetalC} translate <0,0,3> rotate z*90 } lathe { linear_spline 3, <0,0>,<.5,0>,<1,1> pigment { P_Chrome4}finish {F_MetalC} translate <0,-6,3>rotate z*90 } } #declare pistao= lathe { linear_spline 6, <0,0>,<.2,0>,<.2,1>,<.4,1>,<.4,1.5>,<0,1.5> pigment { P_Chrome4} finish {F_MetalC} } union{ object{corpo} object{pistao translate <-1.2,6,0> rotate x*90} object{pistao translate <-.2,6,0> rotate x*90} object{pistao translate <.8,6,0> rotate x*90} object{pistao translate <1.8,6,0> rotate x*90} object{pistao translate <2.8,6,0> rotate x*90} object{pistao translate <-1.2,0,0> rotate x*-90} object{pistao translate <-.2,0,0> rotate x*-90} object{pistao translate <.8,0,0> rotate x*-90} object{pistao translate <1.8,0,0> rotate x*-90} object{pistao translate <2.8,0,0> rotate x*-90} }