// Exemplo de arquivo de descricao de cena para POV-ray // Last edited on 2000-09-21 20:06:05 by stolfi #include "colors.inc" #include "stones.inc" #include "golds.inc" camera { angle 40 location <15,10,-25> look_at <3,5,0> } light_source { <-50, 50, 50> White } light_source { <50, -50, 50> White } light_source { <-50, 50, -50> White } background { SkyBlue } //to make the patch easier to see light_source { <50, 50, -50> White } plane { y, -5 texture { pigment { checker color Blue color White } } } plane { y, 500 texture { pigment { SkyBlue } finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0} } texture { pigment { bozo turbulence .5 color_map { [0 White] [1 White filter 1] } } finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } scale <1000, 500, 500> rotate <5, 45, 0> } } #declare furo1 = cylinder { <-2, 1, 0 > <-2, 8, 0>, 1.8 texture { T_Stone1} } #declare furo2 = cylinder { <2, 1, 0 > <2, 8, 0>, 1.8 texture { T_Stone1} } #declare corpo = blob { threshold .2 sphere { <-2, 4, 0>, 4, 1 texture { T_Stone1} } sphere { <2, 4, 0>, 4, 1 texture { T_Stone1 } } } #declare base = box { <-4, 1.5, 2> <9, 1.7, -2> texture { T_Stone1 } } #declare placa1 = box { <6, 1.7, -1.5> <8, 3, -1.4> texture { T_Stone25 } } #declare placa2 = box { <6, 1.7, 1> <8, 3, 1.1> texture { T_Stone25 } } difference { difference { object {corpo} object {furo1} } object {furo2} } object {base} object {placa1} object {placa2}