Toposcope source files - version 961022. PLESE READ THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AT THE END OF THIS FILE CONTENTS This directory tree contains the sources for the "toposcope", a set of programs for the visualization of 2D cellular complexes. For a description of the problem and how the programs do, see @inproceedings{ros-sto-96-vis, title = "Automatic Visualization of Two-Dimensional Cellular Complexes", author = "Rober M. Rosi and Jorge Stolfi", booktitle = "Proceedings of Graph Drawing '96", pages = "13 pp.", note = "To appear.", month = sep, address = "Berkeley, Calif.", year = 1996 } @techreport{ros-sto-96-vistr, title = "Automatic Visualization of Two-Dimensional Cellular Complexes", author = "Rober Marcone Rosi and Jorge Stolfi", institution = "Institute of Computing, University of Campinas", number = "IC-96-02", month = may, year = 1996 } @masterthesis{mac-95-thesis, title = {Visualiza\c{c}\~ao Autom\'atica de Complexos Celulares Arbitr\'arios}, author = {Rober Marcone Rosi}, school = "Departamento de Ci\^encia da Computa\c{c}\~ao, IMECC, Universidade de Campinas", month = dez, year = 1995 } This tar file was quickly put together on 96-10-22, in response to external requests. We hope it contains all necessary libraries and modules, but we haven't tested for that. The tools are written in Modula-3, and have been tested with release 3.5.3 of the DEC SRC compiler and libraries. The main programs are MakeShape Generates the topological tructures for several simple complexes (torus, klein bottle, tritorus, star, etc.) with random vertex coordinates. SmoothShape The initial smoothing heuristics. OptShape The energy optimizer. RefineTriang Refines an existing triangular mesh. TriangToX3D Converts a configuration file to the format understood by "x3d", an interactive wireframe viewer. TriangToPOV Converts a configuration file to the format understood by POV-Ray, a popular raytracer. Other auxiliary programs are: MakeRawCube, MakeRawCylinder, MakeSquare Build complexes with fixed topology and geometry: a cube, a cylinder, a flat square. RandomShapes Randomizes the coordinates of a given mesh. TestEnergy, EnergySlice Generate "gnuplot" data files showing a cross-section of the energy function along a specified subspace of the configuration space. TestEnergy 1-D slices (for the "plot" command), whereas EnergySlice generates 2D slices (for the "plot3d" command). The programs communicate via ASCII files. The main file type is the ".top" format, which describes the topology of a triangular mesh, its geometric configuration, plus colors, edge thicknesses, etc. The format is described in the comments inside file The module libm3marcone/src/Triang.{i3,m3} has routines for parsing and writing ".top" files. A typical run involves -> TriangToX3D -> hull -> x3d / MakeShape -> SmoothShape -> OptShape \ -> TriangToPov -> POV-Ray Typically one would run SmoothShape some 5-20 times with different random seeds, check the results with TriangToX3D and x3d, pick the best one, and run OptShape once or twice on it, with varying parameters. There are several shell scripts scattered throughout the directory tree. They should be viewed merely as possible sources of inspiration. It is highly unlikely that they will work in your environment without extensive modifications. J. Stolfi 96-10-22 ***************** START OF COPYRIGHT AND AUTHORSHIP NOTICE ********** All files in this directory tree are Copyright 1996 by Jorge Stolfi, Rober Marcone Rosi, and Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil--- unless stated otherwise in the files themselves. THESE FILES ARE DISTRIBUTED WITH NO GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND. Neither the authors nor their employers may be held responsible for any losses or damages attributed to their use. These files may be freely copied, distributed, modified, and used for any purpose; provided that any subtantial excerpt of these files that is redistributed or incorporated in other software packages is accompanied by this copyright and authorship notice, and is made freely available under these same terms. ***************** END OF COPYRIGHT AND AUTHORSHIP NOTICE ************