#! /bin/csh -f # Last edited on 2005-01-17 02:46:03 by stolfi # Plots ".flc" files of the two segments of a candidate # assuming that they have been properly rotated and translated. set usage = "???"; set atitle = "$1"; shift; set acurve = "$1"; shift; set btitle = "$1"; shift; set bcurve = "$1"; shift; set atmp = "/tmp/$$-a.flc" set btmp = "/tmp/$$-b.flc" apply-unit ${acurve} > ${atmp} apply-unit ${bcurve} > ${btmp} gnuplot << EOF set term postscript eps monochrome 14 set size ratio -1 1.50,0.85 set yrange [-2.2:2.2] set xrange [-0.4:11.2] plot "${atmp}" using 1:2 title "${atitle}" with lines, \ "${btmp}" using 1:2 title "${btitle}" with lines quit EOF # /bin/rm -f ${atmp} ${btmp}