IC-UNICAMP Creation party

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Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni Carvalho,
at Ariadne's 1996 birthday party,
which was also the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Célia Picinin de Mello,
at Ariadne's 1996 birthday party,
which was also the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros and José Martins Filho,
at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Helena Cristina da Gama Leitão,
at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Islene Calciolari Garcia and Alexandre Oliva,
at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Cláudio L. Lucchesi, Ricardo Anido,
and José Martins Filho at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni Carvalho,
at Ariadne's 1996 birthday party,
which was also the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Edson Bacin at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Carlos Brito Cruz at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Edson Norberto Cáceres at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Célia Picinin de Mello at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Cid Carvalho de Souza,
at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Oswaldo José Franzin at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Nalvo de Almeida Franco at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Ricardo de Oliveira Anido at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Ricardo de Oliveira Anido at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Pedro Jussieu de Rezende at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Fernando Antônio Vanini at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

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Jacques Wainer at the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

Generated on Sun Dec 9 00:08:54 EDT 2001