# Last edited on 2022-11-10 18:51:46 by stolfi PROCESSING THE GOOGLE SCHOLAR HITS Did a search of "affine arithmetic", years 1994-2022, excluding citations and patents. Got about 3000 hits. Saved manually the HTML pages of the hits to "raw/Page_{N}.html" where {N} is the page number as in the menu at the bottom of each page. There were only 98 non-empty pages (apparently the same article could give more than one "hit"). Processing the pages to a more readable format into "kuk/Page_{N}.html", and splitting off the entries as separate files "split-bib/{YYYY}/{KEY}.bib" process_all_scholar_pages.sh All had 10 entries, except the last one ("kuk/Page_98.html") which had only 3. Total 973 entries. COMPARING KEYS WITH THE REAL BIB FILE Comparing the keys of the Google Scholar citations with the real bibliography files. Getting all the keys from the real bib and the Google Scholar hits: realdir="${HOME}/EXPORT/bibliography" ln -s ${realdir}/split-bib real-split-bib ln -s ./split-bib scho-split-bib compare_real_scho_keys.sh