% Last edited on 2009-03-16 13:51:35 by stolfi @inproceedings{cos-con-gom-95-parusi, author = {H. G. Costa and Aura Conci and L. F. A. M. Gomes}, title = {Sele{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Par{\^a}metros para Usinagem em Baixo N{\'\i}vel}, booktitle = {Resumo dos Trabalhos Apresentados no XXVII Simp{\'o}sio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional SOBRAPO}, address = {Vit{\'o}ria, ES, Brazil}, month = nov, year = 1995, altkeys = {b.aura-1} } @inproceedings{mor-con-95-indvaz, author = {C. A. Moreno Barbosa and A. Conci}, title = {Um Algoritmo que Preserva o {\'I}ndice de Vazios na Gera{\c{c}}{\~a}o Autom{\'a}tica do C{\'o}digo {IFS} de Imagens Comprimidas}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the XVIII CNMAC - Congresso Nacional de Matem{\'a}tica Aplicada e Computacional}, month = aug, address = {Curitiba, PR, Brazil}, year = 1995, volume = {II}, pages = {720--724}, altkeys = {b.aura-2} } @inproceedings{con-cam-95-fracimpf, author = {Aura Conci and C. F. J. Campos}, title = {Can Fractal Dimension Be Used in Textile Imperfection Identification?}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 95 - Simp{\'o}sio Brasileiro de Computa{\c{c}}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica e Processamento de Imagens}, address = {S{\~a}o Carlos, SP, Brazil}, month = oct, year = 1995, pages = {127--133}, altkeys = {b.aura-3} } @inproceedings{cos-con-gom-95-ferusi, author = {H. G. Costa and Aura Conci and L. F. A. M. Gomes}, title = {Sele{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Ferramentas de Corte para Usinagem}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the XV ENEGEP - National Congress of Production Engineering and First International Congress of Industrial Engineering}, volume = {III}, publisher = {ABESPRO}, pages = {1289--1293}, address = {S{\~a}o Carlos, Brazil}, month = sep, year = 1995, altkeys = {b.aura-4} } @inproceedings{cam-con-95-faltec, author = {C. F. J. Campos and Aura Conci}, title = {Um Sistema de Identifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Falhas em Tecidos}, booktitle = {CD-ROM of the XII COBEM - Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mec{\^a}nica / II CIDIM-Congresso Iberoamericano de Ingenharia Mecanica}, address = {Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil}, year = 1995, altkeys = {b.aura-5} } @article{con-95-portfin, author = {Aura Conci}, title = {Um Modelo para Considera{\c{c}}{\~a}o da Flexibilidade das Liga{\c{c}}{\~o}es em P{\'o}rticos Tridimensionais de Paredes Finas}, booktitle = {Revista Brasileira de Ci{\^e}ncias Mec{\^a}nicas}, publisher = {ABCM}, volume = {XVII}, number = {2}, pages = {120--134}, year = 1995, altkeys = {b.aura-6} } @inproceedings{con-cam-96-boxfrac, author = {Aura Conci and C. F. J. Campos}, title = {An Efficient Box-Counting Fractal Dimension Approach for Experimental Image Variation Characterization}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IWSIP'96 - 3rd International Workshop in Signal/Image Processing}, publisher = {Elsevier}, month = nov, year = 1996, address = {Manchester, UK}, pages = {665--668}, altkeys = {b.aura-7} } @inproceedings{let-con-pam-pit96-warpwom, author = {F. R. Leta and Aura Conci and D. Pamplona and I. Pitanguy}, title = {Warping of Women Face Considering Age Changes}, booktitle = {Proceedings of COMPUGRAPHICS'96 - 5th International Conference on Computational Graphics and Visualization Techniques - Visualization and Graphics on the World Wide Web}, publisher = {Nogentel}, address = {Paris, France}, month = dec, year = 1996, pages = {100--104}, altkeys = {b.aura-8} } @inproceedings{con-cam-pro-96-fractvar, author = {Aura Conci and C. F. J. Campos and C. B. {Proen{\c{c}}a}}, title = {Using Fractal Dimension to Identify Texture Variation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Second International Conference on Non-linear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Science - ICONNE'96}, pages = {174--178}, address = {S{\~a}o Pedro, SP, Brazil}, month = aug, year = 1996, altkeys = {b.aura-9} } @inproceedings{val-con-can-fer-mar-96-cartel, author = {A. Vallejo and Aura Conci and H. C. Candido and J. L. Fernandes and R. {Mariano da Silva}}, title = {Utiliza{\c{c}}{\~a}o da {CV} na Inspe{\c{c}}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica de Cart{\~o}es de Telefone P{\'u}blico}, booktitle = {Resumo das Comunica{\c{c}}{\~o}es do IV Encontro Regional de Matem{\'a}tica Aplicada e Computacional - ERMAC / RJ-ES}, address = {Friburgo, RJ, Brazil}, month = apr, year = 1996, altkeys = {b.aura-10} } @inproceedings{pro-cam-con-96-cqtextil, author = {C. B. {Proen{\c{c}}a} and C. F. J. Campos and Aura Conci}, title = {Automatiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o do Controle de Qualidade: {Uma} Aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o na Ind{\'u}stria T{\^e}xtil}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Congresso de Engenharia Mec{\^a}nica Norte-Nordeste - IV CEM/NNE}, address = {Recife, PE, Brazil}, volume = {1}, pages = {499--504}, month = jul, year = 1996, altkeys = {b.aura-11} } @inproceedings{let-con-pam-pit-96-facagep, author = {F. R. Leta and Aura Conci and D. Pamplona and I. Pitanguy}, title = {Manipulating Facial Appearance Though Age Parameters}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 96- Simp{\'o}sio Brasileiro de Computa{\c{c}}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica e Processamento de Imagens}, address = {Caxambu, MG, Brazil}, month = oct, year = 1996, pages = {176--172}, altkeys = {b.aura-12} } @inproceedings{let-con-pam-web-sal-pit-96-velhfac, author = {F. R. Leta and Aura Conci and D. Pamplona and H. Weber and F. Salgado and I. Pitanguy}, title = {Maniputa{\c{c}}{\~a}o e Modelagem Num{\'e}rica do Envelhecimento Frontal da Face}, booktitle = {Proceedings of III FNCTS - Forum Nacional de Ci{\^e}ncia e Tecnologia da Sa{\'u}de}, volume = {1}, pages = {10--11}, month = nov, year = 1996, altkeys = {b.aura-13} } @inproceedings{mel-sil-ram-lei-con-etc-96-sispot, author = {A. C. Melo and A. P. A. Silva and A. J. P. Ramos and A. M. {Leite da Silva} and Aura Conci and D. M. {Falc{\~a}o} and D. S. Ramos and E. L. Silva and G. N. Taranto and J. C. O. Aires and J. C. O. Mello and J. W. M. {Torre{\~a}o} and J. C. S. {Souza Lima} and J. C. B. Leite and L. T. G. Lima and M. Th. Schilling and M. B. {Coutto Filho} and O. G. {Loques Filho} and P. Gomes and R. N. {Fontoura Filho}}, title = {Problemas e Estrat{\'e}gias Emergentes em Sistemas de Pont{\^e}ncia}, booktitle = {Proceedings of V SEPOPE-Simp{\'o}sio de Especialistas em Planejamento da Opera{\c{c}}{\~a}o e Expans{\~a}o El{\'e}trica}, pages = {1001--1014}, address = {Recife, PE, Brazil}, month = may, year = 1996, altkeys = {b.aura-14} } @incollection{con-cam-pro-96-fratvar2, author = {Aura Conci and C. F. J. Campos and C. B. {Proen{\c{c}}a}}, title = {Using Fractal Dimension to Identify Texture Variation}, booktitle = {Chaotic Phenomena of Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos Control and Their Applications to Engineering Science}, pages = {Chapter 2}, year = 1996, altkeys = {b.aura-47} } @inproceedings{con-97-tenswire, author = {Aura Conci and Wilson Ferreira da Silva}, title = {Nonlinear Tension Analysis of Wire Rope}, booktitle = {Proceedings of V Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics - PACAM}, address = {Puerto Rico, USA}, month = jan, year = 1997, volume = {4 - Mechanics and Dynamics of Solids}, pages = {119--122}, altkeys = {b.aura-15} } @inproceedings{let-con-pam-pit-97-modfage, author = {Fabiana R. Leta and Aura Conci and Djenane Pamplona and Ivo Pitanguy}, title = {A Model for Face Aging}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IWSNHC3DI'97 - International Workshop on Synthetic-Natural Hybrid Coding and Three Dimensional Imaging}, month = sep, year = 1997, address = {Rhodes, Greece}, pages = {204--207}, altkeys = {b.aura-16} } @inproceedings{con-mon-97-momgeom, author = {Aura Conci and Leonardo Hiss Monteiro}, title = {Utiliza{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Momentos Geom{\'e}tricos na Inspe{\c{c}}{\~a}o Industrial}, booktitle = {CD of CIDIM 97- III Conferencia Iberoamericana de Ingenieria Mecanica}, month = sep, year = 1997, address = {Havana, Cuba},, altkeys = {b.aura-17} } @inproceedings{con-cor-97-recsysin, author = {Aura Conci and {F{\'a}bio} Corbelini Pereira}, title = {Reconstruction Systems for Industrial Inspection}, booktitle = {CD of CIDIM 97- III Conferencia Iberoamericana de Ingenieria Mecanica}, month = sep, year = 1997, address = {Havana, Cuba}, altkeys = {b.aura-18} } @inproceedings{mat-con-97-bdsemcor, author = {Everest Mathias and Aura Conci}, title = {Pesquisa de Imagens em Banco de Dados por Semelhan{\c{c}}a de Cor}, booktitle = {CD of SIBGRAPI'97 - X Simp{\'o}sio Brasileiro de Computa{\c{c}}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica e Processamento de Imagens}, address = {Campos do Jord{\~a}o, SP, Brazil}, month = oct, year = 1997, altkeys = {b.aura-19} } @inproceedings{con-pro-97-boxsegm, author = {Aura Conci and Claudia Belmiro {Proen{\c{c}}a}}, title = {A Box-Counting Approach to Color Image Segmentation}, booktitle = {CD of ICIP'97- IEEE 4th International Conference on Image Processing}, volume = {I}, pages = {228--230}, address = {Santa Barbara, USA}, month = oct, year = 1997, altkeys = {b.aura-20} } @inproceedings{con-mon-97-momveic, author = {Aura Conci and Leonardo Hiss Monteiro}, title = {Utiliza{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Momentos de {\'A}rea na Identifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Ve{\'\i}culos}, booktitle = {Proceedings of CILAMCE 97- XVII Congresso Ibero - Americano de M{\'e}todos Computacionais em Engenharia}, month = oct, year = 1997, address = {Bras{\'\i}lia, DF, Brasil}, volume = {IV}, pages = {2019--2025}, altkeys = {b.aura-21} } @inproceedings{pro-con-seg-97-insftex, author = {Claudia Belmiro {Proen{\c{c}}a} and Aura Conci and Solly Segenreich}, title = {Inspe{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Falhas na Industria T{\^e}xtil}, booktitle = {Proceedings of CILAMCE 97- XVII Congresso Ibero - Americano de M{\'e}todos Computacionais em Engenharia}, month = oct, year = 1997, address = {Bras{\'\i}lia, DF, Brasil}, volume = {IV}, pages = {1829--1835}, altkeys = {b.aura-22} } @inproceedings{pro-con-seg-97-segmqtex, author = {Claudia Belmiro {Proen{\c{c}}a} and Aura Conci and Solly Segenreich}, title = {Estudo da Aplicabilidade dos M{\'e}todos de Segmenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o ao Controle de Qualidade na Industria T{\^e}xtil}, booktitle = {CD-ROM of the XIV COBEM- Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mec{\^a}nica}, address = {Bauru, SP}, month = dec, year = 1997, altkeys = {b.aura-23} } @inproceedings{let-con-pam-web-pit-97-mecfage, author = {Fabiana R. Leta and Aura Conci and Djenane Pamplona and Hans H. Weber and Ivo Pitanguy}, title = {Mechanics of Facial Aging}, booktitle = {CD-ROM of the XIV COBEM - Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mec{\^a}nica}, address = {Bauru, SP}, month = dec, year = 1997, altkeys = {b.aura-24} } @inproceedings{con-pro-97-fracimg, author = {Aura Conci and Claudia Belmiro {Proen{\c{c}}a}}, title = {Fractal Image Analysis for the Textile Industry}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EDUGRAPHICS'97 - Third International Conference on Graphics Education / COMPUGRAPHICS'97 - Sixth International Conference on Computational Graphics and Visualization Techniques}, pages = {137--144}, address = {Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal}, month = dec, year = 1997, altkeys = {b.aura-25} } @incollection{con-cam-pro-xx-fractxvar, title = {Using Fractal Dimension to Identify Texture Variation}, author = {Aura Conci and C.F.J. Campos and Claudia Belmiro {Proen{\c{c}}a}}, booktitle = {Chaos Control and Their Applications to Engineering Science}, publisher = {AAM/RBCM}, pages = {174--178}, altkeys = {b.aura-26} } @inproceedings{aqu-con-98-fracod, author = {Felipe R. Aquino and Aura Conci}, title = {Fractal Image Coding by Multi-Scale Selection Based on Block Complexity}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Engineering Desing Graphics and Descriptive Geometry - ICECGDG}, address = {Austin, Texas}, month = jul, year = 1998, volume = {2}, pages = {495--499}, publisher = {ISCG-International Society for Geometry and Graphics}, altkeys = {b.aura-27} } @article{con-fer-98-steelcab, author = {A. Conci and W. {Ferreira da Silva}}, title = {Um Modelo para An{\'a}lise de Cabos de A{\c{c}}o de Se{\c{c}}{\~a}o Complexa}, journal = {Revista Brasileira de Ci{\^e}ncias Mec{\^a}nicas - RBCM}, volume = {XX}, number = {2}, pages = {278--297}, publisher = {ABCM}, year = 1998,, altkeys = {b.aura-28} } @article{con-pro-98-fracfab, author = {Aura Conci and Claudia B. Proenca}, title = {A Fractal Image Analysis System for Fabric Inspection Based on a Box-Counting Method}, journal = {Computer Netwoks and ISDN Systems}, volume = {30}, number= {20-21}, month = nov, year = 1998, pages = {1887--1895}, publisher = {Elsevier}, altkeys = {b.aura-29} } @inproceedings{soa-con-via-98-automammo, author = {Luciana Marinho Soares and Aura Conci and Alberto D. Vianna}, title = {Automated Classification of Masses on Mammography}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'98 - International Symposium on Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Vision}, address = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, month = oct, year = 1998, altkeys = {b.aura-30} } @inproceedings{mat-con-98-colcbir, author = {Everest Mathias and Aura Conci}, title = {Comparing the Influence of Color Spaces and Metrics in Content Based Image Retrieval}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'98 - International Symposium on Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Vision}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, pages = {371--378}, address = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, month = oct, year = 1998, altkeys = {b.aura-31} } @inproceedings{let-pam-con-pit-98-velhfac, author = {Fabiana R. Leta and Djenane Pamplona and Aura Conci and Ivo Pitanguy}, title = {Envelhecimento Facial - Modelagem e Representa{\c{c}}{\~a}o}, booktitle = {Proceedings of V ERMAC - Encontro Regional de Matem{\'a}tica Aplicada e Computacional}, pages = {27--32}, publisher = {SBMAC}, address = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, year = 1998, altkeys = {b.aura-32} } @inproceedings{pro-con-seg-99-segdimf, author = {C. B. {Proen{\c{c}}a} and Aura Conci and S. Segenreich}, title = {Compara{\c{c}}{\~a}o de T{\'e}cnicas de Segmenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o e de Dimens{\~a}o Fractal visando a Detec{\c{c}}{\~a}o Autom{\'a}tica de Falhas T{\^e}xteis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of VI Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics - PACAM and 8th International Conference on Dynamic Problems in Mechanics}, incollection = {Applied Mechanics in the Americas}, volume = {6}, pages = {381--384}, address = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, month = jan, year = 1999, altkeys = {b.aura-33} } @inproceedings{con-soa-via-99-mammogr, author = {Aura Conci and L. M. Soares and A. D. Vianna}, title = {Identification of Benign and Malignant Lesion by Feature Extraction on Mammographic Images}, incollection = {Applied Mechanics in Americas}, volume = {6}, pages = {53--56}, booktitle = {Proceedings of VI Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics - PACAM and 8th International Conference on Dynamic Problems in Mechanics}, address = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, month = jan, year = 1999, altkeys = {b.aura-34} } @article{con-aqu-99-fracoding, author = {A. Conci and F. Aquino}, title = {Fractal Image Coding Based on Block Complexity}, journal = {Journal for Geometry and Graphics}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, year = 1999, publisher = {Heldermann Verlag}, pages = {57--65}, altkeys = {b.aura-35} } @article{pro-con-seg-99-infaltex, author = {C. B. {Proen{\c{c}}a} and A. Conci and S. A. Segenreich}, title = {Investiga{\c{c}}{\~a}o para Detec{\c{c}}{\~a}o Autom{\'a}tica de Falhas T{\^e}xteis}, journal = {Revista Brasileira de Ci{\^e}ncias Mec{\^a}nicas - RBCM}, volume = {XXI}, number = {3}, month = sep, year = 1999, pages = {493--508}, altkeys = {b.aura-36} }x @inproceedings{con-mat-cas-99-colcbircmp, author = {Aura Conci and Everest Mathias and M. M. Castro}, title = {Color Image Retrieval Systems: {a} Comparison of Approaches}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SBMIDIA'99 - V Braziliam Symposium on Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems}, address = {Goi{\^a}nia, GO, Brazil}, month = jun, pages = {141--159}, year = 1999, altkeys = {b.aura-37} } @inproceedings{con-99-landsat, author = {Aura Conci}, title = {Texture Classification of Lansat Images Using Fractal Dimension and Bands}, booktitle = {Proceedings of GisBrasil99 - V Congresso e Feira para Usu{\'a}rios de Geoprocessamento da Am{\'e}rica Latina}, address = {Salvador, BA, Brazil}, month = jul, year = 1999, altkeys = {b.aura-38} } @inproceedings{con-aqu-99-adapcontr, author = {A. Conci and F. Aquino}, title = {Using Adaptive Contraction for Fractal Image Coding Based in Local Fractal Dimension}, booktitle = {Procedings of SIBGRAPI'99 - 12th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing}, pages = {231--239}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, year = 1999, altkeys = {b.aura-39} } @article{con-mon-99-momruid, author = {Aura Conci and L. H. Monteiro}, title = {Utiliza{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Momentos na Identifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o Autom{\'a}tica de Elementos Variados Adquiridos com Ru{\'\i}dos}, booktitle = {IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenier{\'\i}a Mec{\'a}nica - CIDIM '99}, address = {Santiago del Chile}, month = nov, year = 1999, altkeys = {b.aura-40} } @inproceedings{con-soa-99-cancmama, author = {Aura Conci and L. M. Soares}, title = {Identifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o de C{\^a}ncer e Tumores dos Seios pela Analise da Forma de suas Imagens}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenier{\'\i}a Mec{\'a}nica, CIDIM '99}, address = {Santiago del Chile}, month = nov, year = 1999, altkeys = {b.aura-41} } @article{con-pro-00-cvistx, author = {Aura Conci and C. B. {Proen{\c{c}}a}}, title = {A Computer Vision Approach for Textile Inspection}, journal = {Textile Research Journal}, publisher = {published by Textile Research Institute, Princeton, New Jersey}, volume = {70}, number = {4}, month = apr, year = 2000, pages = {347--350}, altkeys = {b.aura-42} } @article{con-pro-00-imgpvis, author = {Aura Conci and C. B. {Proen{\c{c}}a}}, title = {A Comparison Between Image Processing Approaches on Textile Inspection}, journal = {Journal of the Textile Institute}, address = {Manchester}, volume = {(to appear)}, year = 2000, altkeys = {b.aura-43} } @inproceedings{con-mon-00-hausd, author = {Aura Conci and L. H. Monteiro}, title = {An Approach to Estimate the Hausdorff Dimension of Textures}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos Control and Their Applications to Engineering Science - ICONNE 2000}, address = {Campos do Jord{\~a}o, SP, Brazil}, publishers = {ABCM / AAM}, month = jul, year = 2000, pages = {12}, altkeys = {b.aura-44} } @inproceedings{con-cas-00-csimcbir, author = {Aura Conci and E. M. M. M. Castro}, title = {Image Retrieval System in Databases: {The} Problem of Color Similarity}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics - ICGG'2000}, month = jul, year = 2000, pages = {6}, publisher = {Rand Afrikaans University}, address = {Johannesburg, South Africa}, altkeys = {b.aura-45} } @inproceedings{con-mon-00-mfchar, author = {Aura Conci and L. H. Monteiro}, title = {Multifractal Characterization of Texture-Based Segmentation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP 2000}, address = {Vancouver, Canada}, volume = {1}, pages = {4}, month = sep, year = 2000, altkeys = {b.aura-46} }