GeoPrO: Images

Set of Lines
Voronoi Diagram one Side
Voronoi Diagram two Sides
Voronoi Diagram of Circles


Images from the GeoPrO visualizers:

bullet Set of Lines [28Kb GIF]
bullet Convex Hull (containing a set of line segments and a set of points) [24Kb GIF]
bullet Voronoi Diagram (set of line segments and set of points) [76Kb GIF]
bullet Voronoi Diagram with sites in both sides of the plane (set of line segments and set of points) [61Kb GIF]
bullet Voronoi Diagram of circles (set of circles and set of conic arcs) [77Kb GIF]


(c) 1998-2008 Pedro J. de Rezende. Last modified: 2008.08.06.