@techreport{TR-IC-18-18, number = {IC-18-18}, author = {Camilla V. L. T. Brennand and Heiko Hornung and Cecília Baranauskas}, title = {Análise de Métodos de Avaliação da Experiência do Usuário}, month = {November}, year = {2018}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In Portuguese, 34 pages. \par\selectlanguage{brazil}\textbf{Abstract} Technology has become increasingly present in all spheres of society. However, the way we interact with technological devices has undergone significant changes. For example, in Internet of Things scenarios, functionality may be distributed on different devices with distinct capabilities; this distribution may cause interaction shifted in time and space. In this context, the human-computer interaction seeks to provide quality of interaction through measures coming from User Experience (UX) evaluations. This work presents an exploratory study using three UX evaluation methods: Attrakdiff, Emocards, and UX Curve, which include aspects such as temporality, emotion, hedonic and pragmatic characteristics. For the accomplishment of the study, a wearable device was used to emphasize the characteristics of IoT. The results showed gaps in the methods in the evaluation of UX in this scenario. } }