@techreport{TR-IC-18-06, number = {IC-18-06}, author = {Ricardo Caceffo and Guilherme Gama and Raysa Benatti and Tales Aparecida and Tania Caldas and Rodolfo Azevedo}, title = {{A Concept Inventory for CS1 Introductory Programming Courses in C}}, month = {March}, year = {2018}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {Partly in English, partly in Portuguese, 107 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} This work is a report related to the development and assessment of a Concept Inventory to Introductory Programming (CS1) Courses. A Concept Inventory (CI) is a set of multiple-choice questions addressing specific misunderstandings and misconceptions of the students. In previous works, through instructor interviews, exam analysis, online pilot test and interviews with students, we have identified a list of 33 misconceptions related to 7 programming topics in C language. On this report, we present a CI composed of 27 multiple-choice questions in C language. Each possible answer, besides the right one, was mapped to a previously documented misconception. Future work involves the CI submission to CS1 students and the analysis of its internal consistency and educational impact. } }