@techreport{TR-IC-15-04, number = {IC-15-04}, author = {Jane D.A.S. Eleuterio and Felipe N. Gaia and Andrea Bondavalli and Paolo Lolline and Gena\'ina N. Rodrigues and Cec\'ilia M.F. Rubira}, title = {Dependable Dynamic Software Product Line – a Systematic Mapping Study}, month = {July}, year = {2015}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 60 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Software Product Lines (SPLs) are emerging techniques where several artifacts are reused (domain), and some are customized (variation points). An SPL can bind variation points statically (compilation time) or dynamically (runtime). Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPLs) use dynamic bind to adapt to the environment or requirements changes. DSPLs are commonly used to build dependable systems, defined as systems with the ability to avoid service failures more frequent or severe than is acceptable. Main dependability attributes are availability, confidentiality, integrity, reliability, maintainability, and safety. To better understand this context, a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) was applied searching proposals that include dependability attributes in DSPLs. Our results suggest that few studies handle dependability in DSPL context. We selected only nine primary studies in this context. Also, four of them provide explicit support for SOA and were analyzed as a secondary result. } }