@techreport{TR-IC-08-17, number = {IC-08-17}, author = {Gilberto Zonta {Pastorello Jr} and Jaudete Daltio and Claudia Bauzer Medeiros}, title = {An Annotation Propagation Mechanism for Multimedia Content}, month = {August}, year = {2008}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 31 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Scientific research is producing and consuming large volumes of multimedia data at an ever growing rate. Metadata -- data about data -- is the primary mechanism through which context is associated to content to enhance content management. It also makes it easier to interpret and share data and helps digital curation. However, raw data often needs to go through complex processing steps before it can be consumed. During these transformation processes, original metadata from the production phase is often discarded or ignored, since its usefulness is usually limited to the first transformation step. New metadata must be associated with the final product, a time consuming task often carried out manually. Systematically associating new metadata to the result of each data transformation step is know as metadata evolution or annotation propagation. This paper introduces techniques for semantically enhancing metadata and automatically transforming them along with the data transformation processes. This helps the construction of new annotated multimedia data sets, preserving contextual information. The solution is based on: (i) the notion of semantic annotations, which are metadata structures enriched with domain ontologies; (ii) a set of transformations rules, based on ontological relations; and, (iii) workflows, which steer the sequence of transformations. } }