@techreport{TR-IC-07-33, number = {IC-07-33}, author = {Ana Elisa de Campos Lobo and Patrick Henrique da Silva Brito and Cec{\'{\i}}lia Mary Fischer Rubira}, title = {A Systematic Approach for Architectural Design of Component-Based Product Lines}, month = {November}, year = {2007}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 23 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Software product line is a systematic software reuse approach that promotes the generation of specific products from a set of core assets for a given domain, exploiting the commonalities and variabilities among these products. Feature modeling is one of the most accepted ways to represent commonalities and variabilities at the requirements phase. At the architecture design phase, product line architecture is an important core asset that should represent the common and variable parts in a product line. This technical report proposes an approach that supports the architectural design phase of component-based product line engineering. Our proposal for the conception of a product line architecture is based on the definition of variable architectural elements; and how they are derived from a given feature model and the interactions among features, providing a prescribed way to map features to the variable architectural elements composing the product line architecture. The main results of this work are a metamodel to define product line concepts extended with software architecture concepts, and a method for architectural design of product line engineering, to generate a product line architecture and instantiate it for a specific product. In order to evaluate the method, a case study was carried out, applying the approach to a product line in the mobile domain. } }