@techreport{TR-IC-07-13, number = {IC-07-13}, author = {J.~P.~Papa and A. X. Falcão and P.~A.~V. Miranda and C.~T.~N.~Suzuki and N.~D.~A.~Mascarenhas}, title = {A New Pattern Classifier based on Optimum Path Forest}, month = {May}, year = {2007}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 12 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} We introduce a supervised pattern classifier based on \emph{optimum path forest}. The samples in a training set are nodes of a complete graph, whose arcs are weighted by the distances between sample feature vectors. The training builds a classifier from key samples (prototypes) of all classes, where each prototype defines an optimum path tree whose nodes are its strongest connected samples. The optimum paths are also considered to label unseen test samples with the classes of their strongest connected prototypes. We show how to find prototypes with none classification errors in the training set and propose a learning algorithm to improve accuracy over an evaluation set without overfitting the test set. The method is robust to outliers, handles non-separable classes, and can outperform artificial neural networks and support vector machines. } }