@techreport{TR-IC-05-04, number = {IC-05-04}, author = {Adilson Luiz Bonifácio e Arnaldo Vieira Moura}, title = {Formal Verification and Parameters Synthesis for Hybrid Real Systems}, month = {March}, year = {2005}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 42 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} A hybrid system is given by a set of real-time reactive components, whose dynamic behavior results from the interplay of continuous and discrete events. Hybrid system have been modeled using formal methods and results have been obtained using the accompanying computational tools. Some such formal methods and tools are briefly presented, emphasizing their different characteristics. The Hybrid Automata formalism is one among such methods. A hybrid automaton is a finite state automaton where each state is extended to contain a description of a system dynamic profile. Transitions between states model a change in the system dynamics, triggered by discrete events. In this work, hybrid automata are used to model realistic hybrid systems stemming from segments of a subway mesh and parts of an air traffic control system. The models constructed are verified in this way using the support of computational tools. Moreover, some important model parameters are synthesized using the same tools. The verification certified that the systems operate safely. The synthesis sessions arrived at tighter values for some operational system parameters, while still guaranteeing a safe operation. } }