@techreport{TR-IC-04-08, number = {IC-04-08}, author = {Eduardo Cândido Xavier and Flávio Keide Miyazawa}, title = {An Approximation Scheme for a One-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem with Shelf Divisions}, month = {August}, year = {2004}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 10 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Given bins of size $B$, non-negative values $d$ and $dmax$, and a list $L$ of items, each item $e\in L$ with size $s_e$ and class $c_e$, we define a shelf as a subset of items packed inside a bin with total items size at most $dmax$ such that all items in this shelf have the same class. Two subsequent shelves must be separated by a shelf divisor of size $d$. The size of a shelf is the total size of its items plus the size of the shelf divisor. The Class Constrained Shelf Bin Packing Problem consists to pack the items of $L$ into the minimum number of bins, such that, the items are divided into shelves and the total size of the shelves in a bin is at most $B$. We present an asymptotic approximation scheme for this problem where the number of different classes is bounded by a constant $C$. To our knowledge, this is the first approximation result where shelves of non-null size are used in packing problems. } }