@techreport{TR-IC-98-18, number = {IC-98-18}, author = {Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo}, title = {A Framework Supporting Integrated Transaction and Session Management for Cooperative Applications}, month = {May}, year = {1998}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 14 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} This report presents a framework of integrated transaction and session management to meet the requirements of applications based on group work. Transaction management is provided in order to guarantee data consistency and recovery from failures with the additional benefit of structuring complex applications as nested transactions. Visibility between users is achieved by allowing unfinished work to be transferred between users or by establishing a synchronous session. Within a session users can update shared objects in turns and be notified of others' actions synchronously. } }