@techreport{TR-DCC-93-01, number = {DCC-93-01}, author = {Figueiredo Filho, Antonio G. and Liesenberg, Hans K. E.}, title = {Transforming Statecharts into Reactive Systems}, month = {February}, year = {1993}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 14 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} This paper describes an environment and associated techniques which support the modelling and generation of reactive systems. \par The modelling is based on statecharts, an extension of conventional state transition diagrams, which favours event-driven control aspects related to context swappings which can become very complex in non-trivial reactive systems. Contexts are defined incrementally and thus a more structured specification approach is encouraged. Semantics is aggregated in terms of attributes of statechart elements expressed as functions in C code. \par At a second stage, a translation of a model into a functionally equivalent program in C takes place. Special emphasis is given to the invariant part of the generated code, referred to as the statechart engine, and to the binding of logical events to events recognized by the underlying kernel driving input/output devices. \par The major advantages brought by the environment are precise description facilities of subtle behavioural aspects, punctual action definitions to be carried out in specific contexts and the capability of automatically transforming specifications into programs. } }