MO640 - Mission and Vision

      Created: 2015-02-25


The goal of this course is to offer a general overview of Computational Biology (or Bioinformatics), with focus on the main challenges and applications of Molecular Biology today, and to show, with examples, the kind of work involved in modeling, studying, and solving the biological problems from an algorithmic point of view.


The course will cover a variety of topics, including sequence comparison, phylogenetic trees, DNA fragment assembly, and genome rearrangements, to name a few.

To better achieve the course goals, the classes will strongly stimulate student participation and the exchange of ideas during the entire semester. Students will be asked to read beforehand the texts related to each class, with emphasis on the exercises that will be specially prepared for this topic. Some of the exercises will require further study and search. These activities are essential for a consistent learning, and for long-lasting knowledge acquisition.

There will be a number of tests during the term, intended to allow the students to assess their own evolution in the course, as well as for assigning them a final grade. We will promote group studying to foster the practice of team learning, which is very powerful. The students will also contribute to the tests by submitting their own multiple-choice questions, which may be selected for some of the tests.

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© 2015 Joao Meidanis