% (**) P87 Depth-first order graph traversal % Write a predicate that generates a depth-first order graph % traversal sequence. The starting point should be specified, % and the output should be a list of nodes that are reachable from % this starting point (in depth-first order). % The main problem is that if we traverse the graph recursively, % we must store the encountered nodes in such a way that they % do not disappear during the backtrack step. % In this solution we use the "recorded database" which is a % more efficient alternative to the well-known assert/retract % mechanism. See the SWI-Prolog manuals for details. :- ensure_loaded(p80). % conversions :- ensure_loaded(p81). % adjacent/3 depth_first_order(Graph,Start,Seq) :- (Graph = graph(Ns,_), !; Graph = digraph(Ns,_)), memberchk(Start,Ns), clear_rdb(dfo), recorda(dfo,Start), (dfo(Graph,Start); true), bagof(X,recorded(dfo,X),Seq). dfo(Graph,X) :- adjacent(X,Y,Graph), \+ recorded(dfo,Y), recordz(dfo,Y), dfo(Graph,Y). clear_rdb(Key) :- recorded(Key,_,Ref), erase(Ref), fail. clear_rdb(_).