write, writeln

Send an expression or list of expressions to the active output stream.
procedure write(e1:expr[, e2:expr...])
procedure writeln
procedure writeln(e1:expr[, e2:expr...])
e1, e2,... 
Expression or list of expressions
The following lines
Set1:={"first", "second", "fifth"}
write(Set1)                   ! Print set contents without return
writeln                       ! Print an empty line 
writeln("A real:", strfmt(7.1234, 4, 2), ", a Boolean:",b)
	                      ! Output followed by return
produce this output:
{`first', `second', `fifth'}
A real:7.12, a Boolean:true
Further information
These procedures write the given expression or list of expressions to the active output stream. The procedure writeln adds the return character to the end of the output. Numbers may be formatted using function strfmt. Basic types are printed "as is". For elementary but non-basic types (linctr, mpvar) only the address is printed. If the expression is a set or array, all its elements are printed.
Related topics
read, readln, strfmt.

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