
Open a file and make it the active input or output stream.
procedure fopen(f:string, mode:integer)
The name of the file to be opened
Open mode (may be combined):
Open for reading
Empty the file and open it for writing
Open for writing, appending new data to the end of the file
If open for writing, flushes buffer after end of each line (default when writing to a console)
Do not display IO error messages
Further information
1. This procedure opens a file for reading or writing. If the operation succeeds, depending on the opening mode, the file becomes the active (default) input or output stream. The procedures write and writeln are used to write data to the default output stream and the functions read, readln, and fskipline are used to read data from the default input stream.
2. The behavior of this function in case of an IO error (i.e. the file cannot be opened) is directed by the control parameter ioctrl: if the value of this parameter is `false' (default value), the interpreter stops. Otherwise, the interpreter ignores the error and continues. The error status of an IO operation is stored in the control parameter iostatus which is 0 when the last operation has been executed successfully. Note that this parameter is automatically reset once its value has been read using the function getparam. The behavior of IO operations after an unhandled error is not defined.
Related topics
fclose, fselect, getfid.

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