Comp. Geom. on the Web


Computational Geometry on the World Wide Web

Web page contributed by Guilherme A. Pinto
Recovered from Wayback Machine.

 Voronoi Diagram

bullet Starting Point
  1. Application Challenges to Computational Geometry - CG Impact Task Force Report
  2. Computational Geometry Pages - Jeff Erickson
  3. Computational Geometry Resources - Carleton Univ.
  4. Geometry in Action - David Eppstein
  5. Geometry Junkyard - David Eppstein
  6. Graphics Freq. Asked Questions - Utrecht Univ., The Netherlands
  7. Strategic Directions in Computational Geometry - ACM / NSF Working Group Report
  8. The COMPGEOM Mailing Lists
  9. The Geometry Center - Univ. of Minnesota
bullet Bibliography, Journals ...
  1. CG Tribune - Brönnimann, Hervé
  2. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
  3. Computer Science Journals - Univ. of Dortmund
  4. Discrete & Computational Geometry
  5. GéDéoN - Devillers, Olivier
  6. Geometry Literature Database - BiBTeX - René van Oostrum's search page
  7. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications
  8. Unified Computer Science Technical Report Index
  9. VORAPP-L mailing list - Voronoi and Computational Geometry Applications
  10. BSP Tree Freq. Asked Questions - Qualia, Inc.

bullet Computational Geometers
  1. Agarwal, Pankaj K.- Duke Univ.
  2. Alt, Helmut-Free Univ. Berlin
  3. Amato, Nancy- Texas A&M Univ.
  4. Amenta, Nina- Univ. of Texas at Austin
  5. Anderson, Richard- Univ. of Washington
  6. Andrade, Marcus Vinícius A.-Univ. of Campinas, Brazil-Univ. of Viçosa, Brazil
  7. Arkin, Esther M.-State Univ. of N.Y. at Stony Brook
  8. Aronov, Boris-Polytechnic Univ.
  9. Arsham, Hossein-Univ. of Baltimore. See also his nice Bibliography for Optimization
  10. Asano, Tetsuo-JAIST, Japan
  11. Atallah, Mikhail-Purdue Univ.
  12. Aurenhammer, Franz-Technical Univ. of Graz, Austria
  13. Avis, David-McGill Univ.
  14. Bajaj, Chandrajit-Purdue Univ.
  15. Barber, Brad- Art Technology Group
  16. Basch, Julien-Stanford Univ.
  17. Bentley, John-AT&TBell Laboratories
  18. Berg, Mark de-Utrecht Univ.
  19. Bern, Marshall-Xerox PARC
  20. Bernal, Javier-NIST, USA
  21. Bhattacharya, Binay-Simon Fraser Univ., Canada
  22. Biedl, Therese-McGill Univ.
  23. Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel-INRIA, France
  24. Boxer, Laurence-Niagara Univ.
  25. Brönnimann, Hervé-INRIA, France
  26. Canny, John-Univ. of California, Berkeley
  27. Carvalho, Paulo C. P.-Inst. of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), Brazil
  28. Chazelle, Bernard-Princeton Univ.
  29. Clarkson, Ken-AT&TBell Laboratories
  30. Dehne, Frank-Carleton Univ.
  31. Devillers, Olivier-INRIA, France
  32. Dickerson, Matthew-Middlebury College
  33. Dillencourt, Michael-Univ. of California, Irvine
  34. Dobkin, David-Princeton Univ.
  35. Drysdale, R.L. Scot-Dartmouth College
  36. Dube, Thomas W.-College of the Holy Cross
  37. Edelsbrunner, Herbert-Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  38. Emiris, Ioannis Z.-INRIA, France
  39. Eppstein, David-Univ. of California, Irvine
  40. Erickson, Jeff-Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  41. Fabri, Andreas-INRIA, France
  42. Figueiredo, Luiz H.-National Lab. for Scientific Computing (LNCC), Brazil
  43. Fortune, Steve-AT&TBell Laboratories
  44. Franklin, William Randolph-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  45. Füredi, Zoltán-Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  46. Gandyra, Michael-Univ. Kaiserslautern
  47. Gärtner, Bernd-Free Univ. Berlin
  48. Gavrilova, Marina-Univ. of Calgary
  49. Ghosh, Subir K.-TIFR, India
  50. Gilson, James G.-Queen Mary College, Univ. London
  51. Gold, Christopher-Laval Univ.
  52. Goodrich, Michael T.-John Hopkins Univ.
  53. Guibas, Leonidas-Stanford Univ.
  54. Halperin, Dan-Tel Aviv University
  55. Harada, Mario M.-Univ. of Campinas, Brazil
  56. Heckbert, Paul-Carnegie Mellon Univ.
  57. Held, Martin-Universität Salzburg
  58. Huttenlocher, Dan-Cornell Univ.
  59. Hoffmann, Christoph M.-Purdue Univ.
  60. Imai, Hiroshi-Univ. of Tokyo
  61. Imai, Toshiyuki-Univ. of Tokyo
  62. Katz, Matthew-Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev
  63. Kedem, Klara-Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev
  64. Kirkpatrick, David-Univ. of British Columbia
  65. Kittredge,
  66. Klazar, Martin-Charles Univ., Czech Republic. See also his nice Davenport-Schinzel Sequences pages
  67. Klein, Rolf-FernUniversität
  68. Kranakis, Evangelos-Carleton Univ.
  69. Kreveld, Marc van-Utrecht Univ.
  70. Lee, D.T.-Northwestern Univ.
  71. Levcopoulos, Christos-Lund Univ.
  72. Lingas, Andrzej-Lund Univ.
  73. Lubiw, Anna-Univ. of Waterloo
  74. Manocha, Dinesh-Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  75. Matousek, Jiri-Charles Univ., Czech Republic
  76. Megiddo, Nimrod-TelAviv Univ.
  77. Mehlhorn, Kurt-Max-Planck-Institut, Germany
  78. Milenkovic, Victor-Univ. of Miami
  79. Mitchell, Joseph-State Univ. of N.Y. at Stony Brook
  80. Mount, David-Univ. of Maryland
  81. Mulmuley, Ketan-Univ. of Chicago
  82. Mücke, Ernst - (Geometry Center, GeomDir)
  83. Murray, Fergus-Univ. of Essex
  84. Näher, Stefan-Univ. Halle, Germany
  85. Nielson, Gregory M.-Arizona State Univ.
  86. Okabe, Atsuyuki-Univ. of Tokyo
  87. Oommen, John B.-Carleton Univ.
  88. Oostrum, René-Utrecht Univ.
  89. O'Rourke, Joseph-Smith College
  90. Overmars, Mark-Utrecht Univ.
  91. Preparata, Franco P.-Brown Univ.
  92. Ramaiyer, Kumar-John Hopkins Univ.
  93. Rappaport, David-Queen's Univ.
  94. Requicha, Ari-Univ. of Southern California
  95. Rezende, Pedro J.-Univ. of Campinas, Brazil
  96. Rieger, Joachim H.-USP at São Carlos, Brazil-Univ. of Hamburg
  97. Robert, Jean-Marc-Univ. du Québec à Chicoutimi
  98. Roos, Thomas-ETH Zürich
  99. Sack, Jorg-Rudiger-Carleton Univ.
  100. Schreiber, Thomas-Univ. Kaiserslautern
  101. Schwarzkopf, Otfried-Postech, Korea
  102. Segal, Michael-Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev
  103. Seidel, Raimund-Univ. of Saarland, Germany
  104. Sharir, Micha-TelAviv Univ.
  105. Shewchuk, Jonathan-Carnegie Mellon Univ.
  106. Skiena, Steven-State Univ. of N.Y. at Stony Brook
  107. Snoeyink, Jack-Univ. of British Columbia
  108. Specht, Eckard-Otto-von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg. See also his nice Packomania (packing of circles)
  109. Stiller, Peter F.-Texas A&M Univ.
  110. Stolfi, Jorge-Univ. of Campinas, Brazil
  111. Sugihara, Kokichi-Univ. of Tokyo
  112. Sunday, Dan-Johns Hopkins Univ.
  113. Suri, Subhash-Washington Univ.
  114. Tamassia, Roberto-Brown Univ. See also his nice CS 252: Computational Geometry
  115. Teller, Seth-MIT
  116. Toussaint, Godfried-McGill Univ.
  117. Ungor, Alper-Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  118. Urrutia, Jorge-Univ. of Ottawa
  119. Vegter, Gert-Groningen Univ.
  120. Welzl, Emo-Free Univ. Berlin
  121. Widmayer, P.-ETH Zürich
  122. Winter, Pawel-Univ. of Copenhagen
  123. Wood, Derick-Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology
  124. Yap, Chee-New York Univ.
  125. Yvinec, Mariette-INRIA, France
  126. Ziegler, Günter M.-Technische Universität Berlin

bullet Software, Libraries, Codes ...
  1. Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic - Jonathan Shewchuk, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
  2. Computational Geometry Algorithms Library, CGAL - European Consortium
  3. Computational Geometry Library (CGL), CDA Center for Digital Algorithms - NOT FOR FREE!
  4. Enclosing Ball Software - David White, Univ. of California, San Diego
  5. Free Software in Computational Geometry - Nina Amenta, Univ. of Minnesota
  6. Geometry Algorithms (run by Dan Sunday)
  7. JeoEdit: Java Polygon & Point Editors - School of Computer Science at McGill University
  8. Marina Gravilova's software: Voronoi diagrams and Triangulations - Univ. of Calgary
  9. Parallel Computational Geometry algorithms in NESL - Carnegie Mellon Univ.
  10. Parallel Voronoi Diagram Construction Program - ICOT Free Software
  11. Qhull - The Geometry Center - Univ. of Minnesota
  12. The Geometry Sender - Keio Univ.
  13. The LEDA Library
  14. The Stony Brook Algorithm Repository (1.6 Computational Geometry)
  15. XYZ GeoBench - Institut für Theoretische Informatik Zürich, Switzerland

Created (and updated until 1st Dec 2002) by Guilherme A. Pinto.


(c) 1998-2008 Pedro J. de Rezende. Last modified: 2008.08.06.